Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Planets and satellites of the Solar System: Caronte-Ceres-Eris-Júpiter-La Tierra-Marte-Mercurio-Neptuno-Plutón-Saturno-Urano-Venus. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Planets and satellites of the Solar System: Caronte-Ceres-Eris-Júpiter-La Tierra-Marte-Mercurio-Neptuno-Plutón-Saturno-Urano-Venus. Mostrar todas las entradas

2 de septiembre de 2020

Planets and satellites of the Solar System / Planetas y satélites del sistema solar / Planets et satellites du système solaire / Планеты и спутники Солнечной системы


Planetas e satélites do Sistema Solar
Planeten und Satelliten des Sonnensystems
Pianeti e satelliti del sistema solare
सौर मंडल के ग्रह और उपग्रह
الكواكب والأقمار الصناعية للنظام الشمسي


Solar System is made up of:

8 classic planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
4-5 dwarf planets: Pluto-Charon, Ceres, Eris and Sedna
170 known satellites to date: Earth 1, Mars 2, Jupiter 63, Saturn 60, Uranus 27, Neptune 13, Pluto 3 and Eris 1
a few million asteroids and meteorites and
numerous and important comets.

(watch solar system videos)

The distances between the bodies of the Solar System are enormous; at scale it could be said that it is almost empty.

According to Kepler's laws, the planets move in elliptical orbits, in one of whose foci is the Sun; at certain times the planet approaches it (perihelion), at others it moves away (aphelion); the planet moves faster during its perihelion than during its aphelion.


Age: 5,000 million years
Composition: H 70-80%, He 20-25%, other elements 2-3% (contains 98% of all matter in the Solar System)
Diameter: 1,390,000 km; its size is 109 times that of the Earth and its volume 1,300,000 times greater
Core temperature: 15,000,000 ºC
Surface temperature: 6,000 ºC
Its gravity is 28 times greater than that of Earth
The heat and brightness of the Sun, as it happens in other stars, are originated by great thermonuclear reactions that take place inside; Millions of tons of hydrogen are consumed every second, releasing energy, light and heat


Diameter: 4,900 km (1/3 of the terrestrial)
Distance from the Sun: between 50,000,000 km (aphelion) and 70,000,000 km (perihelion); due to a very eccentric orbit
Orbital period around the Sun: 88 d
Orbital Speed: 48 km / s
Period of rotation on its axis: 58 d 15 h (a day of Mercury lasts 58 Earth days)
Surface with thousands of impact craters as well as mountain ranges and cliffs; the largest crater-basin is the "Caloris Basin" of about 1,500 km in diameter
Geological composition: nucleus (75% of the planet) of Fe and Ni; crust and mantle are siliceous rocks (Si02; 40% Na, 42% He and 16% others)
Average density: 5.43 g / cm (similar to terrestrial)
Temperature: + 400ºC (day) to -180ºC (night)
Very tenuous and volatile atmosphere in which k and Na are detected; atmospheric pressure 100,000 times lower than the earth's (in practice there is almost no atmosphere)
Gravity: 0.39 times Earth's
It is influenced by its proximity to the Sun (radiation, heat, solar tides, etc.)
Satellites: does not have


Distance from the Sun: 108,200,000 km
Diameter: 12,100 km
Rotation on its axis: slow and retrograde (from East to West)
Orbital period around the Sun: 225 d
Period of rotation about its axis: 243 d
Orbital speed: 35 km / s
Temperature: between +45 ºC and +500 ºC (average of about 400 ºC)
Average density: 5.25 gm / cm3 (similar to terrestrial)
Surface: appears to be basalt with few meteorite craters although some of the existing ones are more than 1000 km in diameter
It has two important plateaus: to the north "Ishtar Terra" with the mountain "Maxwell Montes" at an altitude of about 11,000 m; in the south "Aphrodite Terra"; there are also valleys, cliffs and mountains as well as dikes or spider-shaped alignments
Ancient volcanic eruptions with large volcanoes, plains and lava flows of hundreds of kilometers are also observed; there may be some volcanoes still active: the highest volcano is the 8 km Maat Mons
The interior of the planet has a rocky mantle (SiO2) similar to that of the Earth and a nucleus of 3,000 km radius composed of Fe and Ni
Dense and heavy atmosphere with thick clouds; atmospheric pressure is 90 times higher than the earth's
Composition: CO2 90%, N 3%, water vapor 3.5%, SO2, SO4H2 and others
Gravity: 0.90 times that of Earth (= 1)
From the earth it is the planet that looks brightest: the so-called "Morning Star"
Satellites: no

The earth

Diameter: 12,800 km
Distance from the Sun: 150,000,000 km
The Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of 29.5 km / s
This orbit lasts one year
Rotation period on its axis: 23h 56 '4' '
Axle tilt: 23.45 °
Average density: 5.5 g / cm³
Severity: 1.00
Geological composition: nucleus (2,500 km) of Fe and Ni; crust and mantle of siliceous rocks (Si02) and other elements; its surface is 70% H2O
Average surface temperature: 17 ° C (maximum 50ºC and minimum -70ºC)
The temperature of the mantle ranges from 100 ° C., Next to the crust, rising progressively to 3,500 ° C, near the core, and reaches 5000-6000 ° C inside.

Water covers 70 percent of the planet's surface but only represents 0.022% of its mass and 97% corresponds to seas and oceans (salt water)
Atmosphere: N 78%, O 21%, H20, CO2, Ar and others
Satellites: 1 (The Moon)
From other points in space, Earth is seen as a blue planet


Diameter: 6,800 km
Distance from the Sun: 228,000,000 km
Rotation period on its axis: 24h 37 '
Period of revolution around the Sun: 687 d (1.9 years)
Average orbital speed 24 km / s
Surface: 144,000,000 km²
Density: 3.9 g / cm³
Gravity: 3.7 m / s² (1/3 less than terrestrial)
Temperature: between -90ºC and + 25ºC
Surface: The crust is about 100 km thick; it has rocks and stones, large deserts and sandy dunes, impact craters such as the "Hellas Planitia" basin of 2,000 km in diameter and 6 km deep, lava fields, valleys that look like dry river beds, huge extinct volcanoes, large canyons (such as "Valles Marineris" 4,000 km long, 6 to 10 km deep and 100 to 600 km wide), mountains (Mount "Olympus", 25 km high, is the largest in the Solar System)
Rocky geological composition similar to Earth; volcanic basalt, crust and silica mantle (SiO2) 20,% abound; siliceous rock core and Fe 13%; also has Al 5%, Ca 3%, Ti and others
Its name "Red Planet" is due to the color of iron oxide (FeO)
Rocky core that may contain iron compounds (FeS)
Very subdued atmosphere; composition: CO2 95%, N 3%, Ar 2% and traces of O, CO and water vapor; atmospheric pressure is 100 times less than the earth's
Strong winds of more than 100 km / h and large dust storms are detected
There appears to be water, scarce as vapor in the atmosphere but abundant as ice and "dry ice" (from CO2) in the polar caps and in the depths of craters and valleys.
Satellites: 2 (Phobos and Deimos)


Gas giant planet; after the Sun, it is greater than the rest of the bodies in the solar system with a mass 2.5 times the sum of all of them; 318 times heavier than Earth and with a volume 1,300 times greater.
Distance to the Sun: 770,000,000 km
Diameter: 143,000 km (11 times greater than Earth's)
Time-period of rotation on its axis: 9 h 55 '(rotation speed faster than the other planets)
Time-period of translation around the sun: 11 years 315 d
Orbital speed: 13 km / s
Temperatures: surface, from -160ºC to -70ºC; very hot core, about + 20,000ºC to +30,000 ºC
Gravity: 23 m / s2 (2.34 relative to Earth = 1)
Indefinite surface, not solid, with an ocean of liquid hydrogen 15-20,000 km deep; This liquid hydrogen, as it descends, becomes metallic hydrogen up to a depth of 30-40,000 km; in the center there is a very hot iron-rock core
Composition: 90% H, and 10% He; outer mantle (22,000 km) of liquid H and He; internal mantle (30,000 km) of semi-metallic H; core (14,000 km) of Fe and silicates
Density: 1.3 g / cm3 (a quarter of the density of Earth)
Atmosphere: about 1,000 km thick below observable clouds; banded clouds, with strong zonal winds of up to 500 km / h; These clouds may contain NH ammonia compounds in the form of frozen crystals (?)
The "Great Red Spot" is a stormy region of high pressure, 2 times greater than the Earth with great turbulence and strong winds of 400-500 km / h.
Atmosphere composition: H 80%, He 15%, methane and water vapor 1%; probable ammonia clouds and P and S compounds
The rings are made up of dust particles and are dark in color; they are located between 90,000 and 220,000 km from the center of the planet; Three parts or zones are distinguished: the innermost is a diffuse ring / disk known as "Halo" shaped like a cloud; next is the "Main" ring, brighter, and finally the area called "Gossamer", more tenuous, almost transparent, made up of the Amalthea and Tebe rings.
Known satellites: 63 (The main ones are: Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Europa, Amalthea, Thebe, Adrastea, Metis, Himalia, Leda, Lysitea, Elara, Carmé, Pasiphae and Sinope)


Second gas giant, almost as big as Jupiter
It is not totally spherical but oval or apatate, the equatorial diameter is greater than the polar one (flattened by the poles and dilated by the equator)
Equatorial diameter: 120,000 km
Polar diameter: 108,000 km
Average distance from the Sun: 1,420,000 km
Period of rotation on its own axis: 10h 14 '/ 10h 45' (varies between the atmosphere and the inner part of the planet and between the equator and the poles)
Period of rotation around the Sun: 29 years 167 d
Orbital speed 9.6 km / s
Average density: 0.69 gm / cm3 = 690 kg / m³ (less than that of water)
Gravity: 9 m / s²
Surface: not defined; gradually passes from atmospheric gas to liquid forms where liquid H is abundant, which becomes metallic H as it deepens
The core is believed to be hot from pressure
Composition: external mantle (25,000 km) of liquid H, NH3, ice water; internal mantle (15,000 km) of liquid-metallic H, NH3 and CH4; nucleus (15,000 km) of rocks (compounds of Si) and Fe
Average temperature: -180ºC; it is speculated that the core may be very hot (10-12,000ºC)
Atmosphere composition: H 93-94%, He 5-6%, CH4, NH3, compounds of P, (responsible for the yellowish color of the planet), water vapor, and other elements.
Stripes or bands of vaporous clouds and fogs containing NH3, H20 and NH4SH
Strong winds (400 km / h) and major storms and hurricanes
Satellites: 60 (The main ones are: Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, Phoebe, Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epitomeus, Janus, Telesto, Calypso and Helena)
In addition to the satellites, Saturn is surrounded by 7 rings (A-B-C-D-E-F-G) that extend from 6,600 to 120,000 km; They are made up of rock particles, dust, and ice water; when observed they produce bright reflections since the sun's rays penetrate its structure (which is only 1-2 km thick) and produce a rainbow-colored effect
The satellites Prometheus and Pandora increase the matter of the F ring for what are called "shepherd satellites"
Also from the satellites Enceladus, Janus and Epimetheus, materials are released that accumulate in the rings


Third of the gas giants
Diameter: 51,000 km
Average distance to the Sun: 2,800,000,000 km
Period of translation around the Sun: 84 years and 30 d
Orbital speed: 6.8 km / s
Rotation period about its axis: 17h 14 '(retrograde)
Rotation axis tilted almost 90º
Average density: 1.28 gm / cm3 = 1.28 kg / m3
Gravity: 8.6 m / s2 (0.8 of Earth)
Composition: surface of rocks and ice, 15% H and some He; it does not have a defined surface or crust (the gaseous mass of the atmosphere gradually transforms into a liquid mass); mantle (10,000 km): liquid water, ice, frozen methane (CH4) H liquid and ammonia (NH3); core (8,000 km): rocks and liquid H
Average temperature: -190ºC
Thick atmosphere (15% of the size of the planet) that prevents the passage of solar rays; composition: ice crystals and snow water; H 83%, He 15%, methane 2%, CO and others; clouds contain NH3 and NH4SH
Swiftly rotating bands of clouds
Satellites: 27 (The main ones are: Titania, Oberón, Umbriel, Ariel, Miranda, Cordelia, Ofelia, Bianca, Crésida, Desdemona, Julieta, Porcia, Rosalinda, Belinda and Puck)
It has 11 very faint and diffuse rings composed of dust and rock particles; one ring is blue and the other is red
The color of the planet is bluish-green


Mass 17 times and volume 72 times greater than Earth's
Average distance to the Sun: 4,499,000,000 km
Diameter: 49,500 km
Circumvaluation period around the Sun: 165 years
Orbital speed: 5.47 km / s
Rotation period about its axis: 16h 6 '
Temperature: -210 to -220ºC
Gravity: 11.0 m / s² (1.14 that of Earth)
Density: 1.6 g / cm³ (0.28 of the Earth's)
Geological composition: mantle (10,000-15,000 km = 1/3) liquid and frozen water, ammonia and frozen methane; core (6,000 km = 2/3) solid and molten rock, water, liquid ammonia and methane; icy outer surface composed of H, He, H2O, and methane.
Thick atmosphere; composition: H 85%; He 13%, methane 2-3% (responsible for the blue color of the planet) and traces of ethane, ammonia and others
Band structure with highly mobile and active cloud formations; gigantic hurricanes the size of the Earth
Winds of up to 2,000 km / h
Above the atmosphere are red fogs and white clouds
It has 4 dark and faint rings composed of rocks and dust
Satellites: 13 (The main ones are: Triton, Preoteo, Nereida, Larisa, Galatea, Despina, Naiad and Thalasa)
The color of the planet is bluish


Pluto is a very small and distant planet that is part of a double planetary system with its satellite Charon, whose mass is 7 times less than that of Pluto; the center of gravity is outside both that orbit around it
Eccentric and inclined orbit; reaches the orbit of Neptune
Average distance to the Sun: 5,900,000,000 km
Diameter: 2,300 km
Period of revolution around the Sun: 248 years
Average orbital speed 4.8 km / s
Rotation period about its axis: 6d 9h 17 '
Gravity: 0.6 m / s2 (0.07 that of Earth)
Average density: 1.90 gm / cm3 = 1,900 kg / m3 (0.38 relative to that of the Earth)
Geological composition: crust (50 km) of rocks (?) Ice (ice water?), Nitrogen and CO frozen and methane; mantle (150 km) ice (ice water?); rock core (Si) and ice
Atmosphere composition: very subdued; N 75-90%, Methane 10%, Ar, CO and others; when they reach the surface of the planet, they freeze on it
Temperature: -220 to -240ºC
Satellites: 3 (Charon, Hydra and Nix)

Charon (satellite or double planet of / with Pluto)

It is considered a double dwarf planet with Pluto; it has a mass 7 times less than this; the center of gravity is outside both that orbit around it
Diameter: 1,200 km
Distance from Pluto: 19,600 km
Period of revolution around Pluto: 6d 9h 17 'synchronized with
Period of rotation on its axis: 6d 9h 17 '(= duration that Pluto)
Frozen surface (ammonia and / or ice from H2O); ice blanket; rocky core (?)
Density: 1.6 g / cm3
Gravity: 0.27 m / s2
Temperature: -220ºC
Atmosphere: no
It is still classified as a satellite of Pluto


It is the smallest of the dwarf planets
It is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
Dimensions: 970 x 930 km
Distance to the Sun: 5,100,000,000 km
Orbit duration: 4.6 years
Average orbital speed 18 km / s
Rotation period on its axis: 8h
Temperature: -34 ° C (atmosphere); -280ºC (on the surface)
Density 2 g / cm3
Gravity: 0.2 m / s2
Area: 1,800,000 km2; crust partly covered with ice (frozen H2O?); there is speculation about the existence of water / ice in the mantle and a rocky core
Atmosphere: very dim (?)


Dwarf planet; its size is somewhat larger than Pluto
Very eccentric orbit
It revolves around the Sun every 557 years
Distance from the Sun: 97 AU = 2,842,300,000 km
Diameter: 2,400 km,
Composition: surface coated with icy methane
Temperature: -230ºC
Satellites: 1 (Dysnomia)


Distance to the Sun: from 13,000,000,000 to 130,000,000,000 km; it is the farthest from the Solar System
(Given its remoteness, its knowledge is still imprecise)
Diameter: between 1,500 and 1,900 km (?)
10,500-year elliptical very eccentric orbit around the Sun (more like a comet)
Average orbital speed: 0.97 km / s
Period of rotation on its axis: 10 hours? 10, 20, 40 days?
Temperature: -240ºC to -260ºC
Average density: 2 gr / cm3?
Composition: ice and rocks covered by frozen hydrocarbons (methane CH4)?
Atmosphere: thin that could contain N2 ice for 200 years of its long orbit?
Planet Color: Red
Satellites: no

In addition to these planets there are other similar bodies, such as Varuna, Ixion and Quaoar, discovered, respectively, in 2000, 2001 and 2002, which are considered "candidates for dwarf planets", not ruling out that there are others not yet located.
