The main ones should be to spend less fossil fuels and look for "clean" energy sources to avoid the toxic effects of the main pollutants: CO, CO2, O3, SO, SO2, NO, NO2, CH4, CFCs, HCs, Lead, Mercury , Asbestos, etc., whose rates continue to rise, especially in large cities, where, diluted in the so-called "smog", they reach highly dangerous levels and densities (what's more, the cities themselves generate 80-90% of their toxic gases)
According to the WHO, poor air quality affects the health of more than half of the world's population; in certain places the concentrations of particles can be up to 50 times above the recommended values.
It does not seem that the international conventions (such as the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce the emissions of some greenhouse gases by 5%, or the EC Action Plan for energy efficiency with measures to reduce energy consumption by 20%) will solve the serious problems of environmental pollution, especially when many large States have not signed them either.
In addition, today, there are no energy sources, including nuclear, that can completely replace oil, which, given its growing consumption (about 85 million barrels of oil per day; 157,000 liters of oil per second) will be increasingly scarce and expensive over the next 10-15 years, until its extraction is not profitable; it will be the end of oil; This will cause important social problems if alternative sources have not been developed.
But for now, the measures must consist of protecting ourselves and distance ourselves as much as possible from polluting factors and continue fighting so that the States provide effective ecological solutions.
Some data indicates that it is possible: in the last five years, European solar energy grew by 40-50%; Sweden will abandon the use of oil within 15 years; 50% of household electricity consumption in Denmark is from wind power; Several vehicle brands investigate with prototypes that work with hydrogen: Toyota manages to develop a hydrogen fuel cell car that has traveled 560 km. without refueling or polluting; NASA broke a height record (29.5 km) with the "Helios" solar plane; the fastest solar car in the world, "Nuna 2" (designed by Dutch students), traveled all over Europe (6,500 km), only with the energy of its solar panels, etc.
Consequently, we must vote in favor of those politicians and governments whose programs contain the best anti-pollution measures and to obtain ecological renewable energies.
Among these general measures, which should be applied by state and municipal authorities, the following can be highlighted:
- Progressively eliminate industrial activities that emit toxic or greenhouse effect substances. Remove polluting industries that cannot be closed out/far from cities: cement plants, paper mills, power plants, waste burners, etc. (industries cause 20-30% of air pollution, coal or oil power plants 10 -15% and garbage burners 4-7%)
- Control the pollution rates of traffic, industries and activities, setting progressive limits (increasingly lower), rigorously inspecting and sanctioning any infraction.
- Create special bodies of police-environmental inspectors. Publish on TV, radio, Internet, etc, several times a day, the pollution rates of each city
- Stimulate to the maximum the creation and installation of clean energy substitutes for hydrocarbons (hydroelectric, solar, wind, geothermal, etc.) by subsidizing developers and exempting users from taxes.
- Promote and subsidize large areas of solar and wind energy production
(all roofs, terraces, facades and walls facing the sun, arid lands, deserts, etc.)
- Intensive policies of care, protection and fight against fires in forests and reforestation: plant thousands of trees (at least 10 new ones for each one that burns) (cleaning, firebreaks, surveillance, etc.); expand and create more natural parks where animals and plants can perpetuate themselves; limit and control hunting and fishing
- Standards forcing better insulation of buildings and homes
- Replacement of current heating systems (coal, diesel), which cause 9-10% of pollution, for cleaner ones (natural gas, geothermal, electric)
- Regarding vehicle traffic, promote the manufacture and sale of clean automobiles (electric, hydrogen, biofuels, etc.) Land transport and automobiles cause 60-80% of air pollution
- Exempt from taxes the users of ecological vehicles and increase taxes on the most polluting diesel and gasoline and on cars and recreational boats (yachts, 4/4, "silly-terrain", etc.)
In diesel engines they impose the use of filters that retain up to 80-90% of the particles they emit
- Reduction of road traffic, prohibiting the entry and circulation of vehicles through cities or streets with high levels of pollution and charging entrance and parking tolls on dates or times of special traffic congestion.
(In Stockholm, in 2006, a 30-50% reduction in traffic in the city center was achieved by charging a small toll in traffic jam hours)
- Divert the influx of traffic to large car parks at the entrances of the cities, with links to public transport, taxis, etc.
- In cases of heavy pollution, allow only the circulation of cars with odd or even number plates on alternate days.
- Avoid or modify the passage of roads through towns and cities
- Multiply exclusively pedestrian streets and increase parks and green areas
- Create exclusive streets for "clean" cars with limited speed (electric, etc.) and multiply bike lanes
- Reserved and free parking for "clean" vehicles; public parks for bicycles and free or low-rent electric scooters or carts to use and return in another area
- Create or increase "clean" public transport networks, fast, frequent, comfortable and cheap (railroad, metro, tram, electric or bio bus, etc.) And gas or electric taxis, subsidized and low rent.
- Encourage companies to create jobs assisted from home via the Internet (tele-working) as well as encourage the use of remote videoconferences, avoiding the daily commuting of employees and air travel with the consequent saving on pollution (air and sea transport cause 15-25% pollution)
- Standards and technical studies to attenuate or remove noise levels (traffic, planes, industries, premises, etc.)
- Prohibit or limit to the maximum the races and rallies of cars, motorcycles, boats, etc.
- Regulating and planning a better use of water (50-60% is lost in the sea); build new wetlands and/or expand existing ones; better pipes (there are 15-30% leaks in ditches and pipes); guarantee potability and avoid contamination of wells and springs; improve the quality of rivers and swamps by purifying discharges; promote sprinkler and drip irrigation; limit the necessary activities with great hydric consumption (irrigation to blanket, car washes, golf courses...); desalinate seawater using wind energy, educate the population to moderate consumption, etc.
- Prohibit or limit the use of insecticides and pesticides as much as possible
- Prohibition of smoking in all kinds of public vehicles and establishments (trains, buses, bars, cinemas, restaurants, stations, shops, etc.)
- Prohibit or limit fireworks, bonfire celebrations, etc.
- Use to a minimum and recycle all kinds of materials: paper, glass, plastics (about 500 million bags/year are used worldwide), metals, cans and other waste; avoid burning garbage; promote the production of energy from biomass
- Carry out frequent campaigns on TV, radio, Internet, schools, etc., making the population aware of the importance of reducing energy expenditure and the consumption of polluting or greenhouse effect products, especially urging moderation in the use of car and plane. Establish an ecology subject in schools
- Reduce to minimum levels the activities that cause pollution: use less fuel (coal, hydrocarbons), water and electricity
- Protect yourself and avoid polluting places and factors: live and work away from industrialized areas as well as streets and highways with heavy traffic. Check pollution levels every day: if they are high, avoid driving or exercising outdoors; keep doors and windows closed (ventilate the house for a few minutes only at night, when traffic decreases); if necessary (asthmatic patients, exposed workers) use masks and even oxygen respirators and/or air purification systems)
- Move more on foot, bicycle or collective transport. Walk or play sports on streets or places away from traffic. Avoid cycling on roads where gasoline or diesel vehicles circulate.
- Acquire "clean" or low consumption appliances and vehicles
- To use the car less; travel less and closer; drive moderately and cautiously, at a suitable and uniform speed, using high gears whenever possible; avoid acceleration and braking; at stops, turn off the engine instead of idling it). In this way, you can achieve savings of 10-20% in fuel and reduce toxic gas emissions by 50-70% (And save 100 x 100, not pollute at all and not suffer accidents, if you do not use the vehicle, of course!)
- Minimum use of the plane; It is the most polluting transport. The same journey made by train pollutes 10 times less than if it is made by plane.
- Lower electricity consumption; for each Kw/hour of electricity saved, the emission of 1 Kg of CO2 is avoided in the coal or oil thermal power plant that produces that electricity; minimum heating or air conditioning (each degree of heating or air conditioning temperature represents 6% extra energy consumption); buy low consumption level A appliances; use reduced rate or night hours; turn off radiators during hours and areas that are not used; keep doors closed; insulate walls and ceilings; place double glazed windows; install heat-cold pump; unplug TV, DVD and other devices, do not leave them on stand-bye; turn off lights, install circuit breakers; use low-energy light bulbs; washing machine or dishwasher with maximum load, short and cold programs; hang dry instead of tumble dry; use microwaves and glass-ceramic stoves; use pressure cooker etc.
- Seek a lower consumption and greater purity of the water; drinking/cooking or washing food or dishes, with pure spring or drinking water (in case of doubt, it should be boiled or disinfected); avoid bathing or washing clothes, in rivers, beaches, ponds, swimming pools, etc. suspicious or located near towns, dumps, sewers, farms, etc; shower instead of bath (saving 150 l. of water and 30% of electricity); leave the taps closed when not in use (ah. 100 l. water-day), do not throw waste, oil, gasoline, etc. into the toilet; use biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents; do not wash the car in fountains or rivers; change the used oil of the vehicle in a green point workshop, etc.
- Recycle paper, plastic, glass, etc; use the containers to separate each product; use the smallest volume of paper possible; use computerized means to send documents and mail; Replace paper rolls and napkins with other washable fabric ones.
- Do not smoke indoors or allow it; claim and report violations (tobacco contains more than 400 substances with a carcinogenic effect and is the leading factor in mortality)
- Do not practice/reject polluting, noisy or dangerous sports and shows for people or that involve ill-treatment of animals (races/car rallies, 4x4 "silly-terrain", motorcycles, boats; acrobatic flights/skydiving, hunting, fishing, golf, boxing, bullfights, running of the bulls, etc.
- Criticize and censor through the Internet or "green" associations, institutions, companies or individuals who are responsible for situations or behaviors that are polluting, noisy or harmful to health or the environment (lack of preventive measures, excessive or poor regulation of traffic, toxic industries, spills, garbage dumps, residual leaks, non-compliance with regulations, excessive forest felling, lack of green areas, etc.)
(and consequent savings in pollution and economic expense)
- Walking or cycling: 100%
- Use the bus, metro or FFCC: 70-80%
- Use of the train instead of the plane: 80-90%
- Share the car with more people: 50-75%
- Use small car: 30-40%
- Low consumption car: 20-25%
- Moderate and uniform driving: 10-15%
- Driving at 90 Km/h: 15-25%
- Vehicle ready: 5-10%
- Well inflated tires: 3-5%
- Use low consumption appliances: 40-60%
- Use of heat-cold pump: 40-50%
- Water heater less than 50 degrees: 20-30%
- Cooking with microwave or ceramic hob: 40-50%
- Use of pressure cooker: 60-80%
- Wash cold: 70-80%
- Low consumption light bulbs: 50-80%
- Wall and ceiling insulation: 25-35%
- Each degree of heating or air conditioning: 5-6%
- Double glazed window: 15-20%
- Insulate door and window joints: 5 -10%
- Buy and use recycled paper: 80-100%
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