Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta - ECOLOGÍA. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta - ECOLOGÍA. Mostrar todas las entradas

17 de septiembre de 2023

INUNDACIONES: Causas/medidas de prevencion y defensa / FLOODS: Causes/prevention and defense measures / INONDATIONS : Causes/Mesures de prévention et de défense / INUNDAÇÕES: Causas/medidas de prevenção e defesa / Überschwemmungen: Ursachen/Vorbeugungs- und Abwehrmaßnahmen / НАВОДНЕНИЯ: Причины/меры предотвращения и защиты /INONDAZIONI: cause/misure di prevenzione e difesa / 洪水:原因/預防和防禦措施 / 洪水:原因と予防・防御策 / बाढ़: कारण/रोकथाम एवं बचाव उपाय / الفيضانات: الأسباب/تدابير الوقاية والدفاع/


 Las inundaciones ocurren ​ por desbordamiento de rios, lluvias intensas, deshielos, subida de mareas. maremotos, tifones, huracanes, etc

Las inundaciones suelen causar daños en hogares, empresas, cultivos, comunicaciones, etc. ya que las poblaciones habitan tradicionalmente junto a los ríos y costas

Parece que en la actualidad, debido al cambio climatico, se estan incrementando los fenómenos catastroficos favorables a las inundaciones

Asia - especialmente China y la India - es el continente mas afectado por las inundaciones debido a las influencias del Monzon y a la existencia de ciudades superpobladas (PULSAR PARA VER VIDEOS)

Causas principales de las inundaciones

- Calentamiento diferencial entre tierras y aguas (gota fria)

- Monzones / tifones / huracanes

- Deshielos

- Lluvias intensas

- Maremotos o tsunamis

- Ocupación humana de zonas inundables

Efectos de las inundaciones

- Perdida de vidas/lesiones/ahogamientos, etc

- Daños y destruccion de edificios, puentes, carreteras, centrales/redes electricas, etc

- Daños agricolas y ganaderos/perdidas de animales y cosechas

- Contaminacion de agua potable

- Enfermedades infecciosas

- Crisis economicas, empobrecimiento

Defensas contra las inundaciones

- Diques

- Puertas o compuertas con cierres herméticos

- Bombas automaticas de achique

- Barreras metálicas

- Canalizaciones

- Obras hidraulicas 

- Desvio de cauces fluviales

- Drenaje de cauces

- Prohibicion de edificaciones en zonas inundables

- Motas

- Embalses

- Estudio sobre las consecuencias del cambio climatico

- Alertas hidrológicas

- Mapeo de las inundaciones historicas

- Sistemas de deteccion y pronóstico

- Alertas meteorologicas/instalar sensores meteorologicos automaticos

- Reforestacion en torno a las zonas inundables 


- Si usted vive en una zona de riesgo, este atento a las previsiones meteorologicas y actue en consecuencia: evite salir, viajar o incluso, si la amenaza es grave, trate de evacuar el lugar...

Y si ha de salir y hacer frente al temporal, lleve consigo un buen chaleco salvavidas...


Ver tambien: 

Wikipedia: Inundaciones: medidas de prevencion y protección

y estos enlaces ìndicados al final del articulo:

6 de septiembre de 2023

FLOODS: Causes/prevention and defense measures / INUNDACIONES: Causas/medidas de prevencion y defensa / INONDATIONS : Causes/Mesures de prévention et de défense / INUNDAÇÕES: Causas/medidas de prevenção e defesa / Überschwemmungen: Ursachen/Vorbeugungs- und Abwehrmaßnahmen / НАВОДНЕНИЯ: Причины/меры предотвращения и защиты /INONDAZIONI: cause/misure di prevenzione e difesa / 洪水:原因/預防和防禦措施 / 洪水:原因と予防・防御策 / बाढ़: कारण/रोकथाम एवं बचाव उपाय / الفيضانات: الأسباب/تدابير الوقاية والدفاع/


Floods occur due to overflowing rivers, intense rains, thaws, and rising tides. tidal waves, typhoons, hurricanes, etc. Floods often cause damage to homes, businesses, crops, communications, etc. since the populations traditionally live along rivers and coasts It seems that currently, due to climate change, catastrophic phenomena favorable to flooding are increasing. Main causes of flooding - Differential heating between land and water (cold drop) - Monsoons/typhoons/hurricanes - Thaws - Heavy rains - Tidal waves or tsunamis - Human occupation of flood zones Flood effects - Loss of life/injuries/drowning, etc. - Damage and destruction of buildings, bridges, roads, power plants/grids, etc. - Agricultural and livestock damage/loss of animals and crops - Contamination of drinking water - Infectious diseases - Economic crises, impoverishment Flood defenses - Dams - Pipelines - Waterworks - Diversion of river channels - Channel drainage - Prohibition of buildings in flood zones - Specks - Metal barriers - Reservoirs - Study on the consequences of climate change - Hydrological alerts - Mapping of historical floods - Detection and forecast systems - Weather alerts/install automatic weather sensors - Reforestation around flood-prone areas -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- - If you live in a risk area, pay attention to the weather forecasts and act accordingly: avoid going out, traveling or even, if the threat is serious, try to evacuate the place... And if you have to go out and face the storm, take a good life jacket with you...


Ver tambien: 

Wikipedia: Inundaciones: medidas de prevencion y protección

y estos enlaces ìndicados al final del articulo:

27 de junio de 2023

HEAT / HIGH TEMPERATURES: measures to prevent and treat their harmful effects / CALOR / ALTAS TEMPERATURAS: medidas para prevenir y tratar sus efectos nocivos / CHALEUR / HAUTES TEMPÉRATURES : mesures pour prévenir et traiter leurs effets néfastes / ТЕПЛО/ВЫСОКИЕ ТЕМПЕРАТУРЫ: меры по предотвращению и опасности их вредного воздействия

CALOR/ALTAS TEMPERATURAS: medidas para prevenir e tratar seus efeitos nocivos / 高溫/高溫:預防和治療其有害影響的措施 / 高温/高温:それらの有害な影響を防止および処理するための対策 / HITZE/HOHE TEMPERATUREN: Maßnahmen zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung ihrer schädlichen Auswirkungen / CALORE/ALTE TEMPERATURE: misure per prevenire e curare i loro effetti nocivi / गर्मी/उच्च तापमान: उनके हानिकारक प्रभावों को रोकने और उनका इलाज करने के उपाय / 


Pulsar aqui parsa ver la versión española de este artículo

HEAT / HIGH TEMPERATURESmeasures to prevent and treat their harmful effects

We do not know for sure if the high temperatures that we are experiencing these days (TEMPERATURES HIGHER THAN 40 DEGREES IN MANY AREAS OF SPAIN) are due to global warming or climate change, or are a temporary episode, but the truth is that we are reaching the maximum records

It seems that the ideal caloric levels for humans are those between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius (between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit); if they increase to 35/40 degrees, they produce, in addition to an uncomfortable sensation, negative consequences for health and that also entail risks of forest fires...

One of the worst consequences of the so-called heat waves are deaths from hyperthermia or heat stroke: statistical data show that deaths from this cause increase markedly during periods of extreme heat

They are also at risk of sunstroke, sunburn, and physical and mental exhaustion.

The danger increases for those people who have decreased defenses (chronically ill, elderly, infants, malnourished, alcoholics, drug addicts, obese, etc.)

People who work outdoors and in the sun (bricklayers, farmers, etc.) and athletes who carry out intense activities outdoors (cyclists, runners, mountain climbers, etc.) can also be considered people at risk.

Personal prevention and treatment measures to combat the harmful effects of heat and sunstroke

- Consume plenty of fluids to maintain sufficient hydration and compensate for the losses that occur through sweat and breathing; Drink at least 2 liters of liquids daily (water, isotonic drinks, infusions, etc.). Avoid very cold drinks, especially if we are hot and sweating

- And also avoid drinking alcoholic or sugary drinks, colas, coffee, etc.

- Eat mainly based on salads, vegetables, fruits, gazpachos, etc.

- Limit outdoor work or sports activities during the sunniest and hottest hours

- Outside: walk or stay in shady places

- Protect yourself with hats and sunglasses

- Wear loose clothing and light, breathable footwear.

- To prevent the fearsome melanomas (skin cancer), limit the time of the so-called "sunbaths" on beaches and swimming pools (sun exposure should not exceed 15/30 minutes per day) especially during the days and hours of greater light incidence (Spring and summer months between 11 am and 5 pm); in any case, use photoprotective creams on the face, hands and other body areas that are not covered by clothing and also bathe or soak frequently; pay special attention to children

- If you use a vehicle on hot days, use the air conditioning and do not stay inside the car when it is stopped and in the sun.

- Inside the house, if air conditioning is not available, ventilate - open the windows - at night and early in the morning, and close them during the day; lowering the blinds in sunny areas; use fans and stay or sleep in the coolest rooms; keep in mind that the least hot areas or rooms in a house are those located on the ground floor or first floors

- If you suffer from fainting or dizziness due to heat or if you suffer from serious or chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, kidney ailments, etc.) or if you are elderly, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the most appropriate measures or convenience to take certain drugs and call the 112 Emergency Service, if necessary

- And in any case, follow the prevention instructions that health services usually disseminate through the media.



Heat waves cause numerous forest fires due to environmental dryness that especially affects trees and plants in forested areas.

 Every year there are in the world:

- 400,000 forest fires, with 500 million hectares burned

- In Spain:

- 20,000 forest fires, with 150,000 hectares burned, valued at around 2 million euros

- There is also environmental damage since forests originate and conserve biological diversity, provide oxygen, attract water and maintain humidity, thus preventing erosion (which affects 40-50% of the Spanish forest area)

After a fire, a forest takes dozens of years (sometimes more than 100) to recover.


- 90-95% of fires are caused, intentionally or negligently; On the other hand, due to the rural exodus, the mountains lack sufficient care, which has a negative influence.

- Due to negligence:

- Smoking, throwing matches or butts

- Burn stubble or bushes or light fires in periods and areas of risk or not completely extinguish them (incidence 15-20%)

- Poor insulation of recreational and camping areas

- Circulation of motor vehicles on forest tracks; the proximity of the exhaust pipes with herbs or dried vegetables can cause fire

- Leaving rubbish or flammable products in inappropriate places

- Abandonment of grazing and traditional firewood collection

- Massive reforestation of conifers

- Industrial or agricultural work with machinery or flammable products without sufficient control

- Fire rockets or carry out pyrotechnic activities in places exposed to the spread

- For intentional reasons:

- Urban speculations

- Wood market

- Insurance collection

- Revenge or neighborhood disputes

- Obtaining contracts or interim work hours for firefighting

- Livestock interests to expand pastures

- Due to natural or fortuitous events:

- Storms, lightning (4-7%)

- Earthquakes

- Meteorites

- Accidents of vehicles, planes, etc.

- Sparks or falling power lines


- Pre-fire measures:

- Prohibition of lighting fires, except in authorized times and areas

- Prohibit the movement of vehicles and people through risk areas

- Improve the management of forests throughout the year; alternate forests with crops or pastures (chessboard), repopulate with fire-resistant species, access roads, firebreaks, cleaning, etc.

- Increased surveillance (observation watchtowers, use of drones, helicopters, planes and satellites, motorcycle patrols, etc.)

- Maintain and increase permanent staff teams throughout the year for prevention, surveillance and extinction and not hire interim staff by the hour when the fire breaks out, but rather professional fire brigades

- Fight speculation by applying art. 355 of the Penal Code so that the areas affected by a forest fire cannot be modified within a period of thirty years, limiting or prohibiting the uses that have been carried out in said areas and intervening in the use of wood

- If you observe people who carry out acts of risk, try to reason so that they do not continue

- Report violations to law enforcement officials

- Keep a security strip of 50/100 m clean of dry vegetation. wide around the houses and villages adjoining the forest

- Check electrical installations and lines

- Keep the margins and ditches of highways and paths or access to forest areas clean of weeds.

- Reforestation immediately after the fire, to avoid the degradation of the burned land (plant 10 trees for each one burned)

- When the fire starts:

- If it is still incipient, try to put it out by hitting it with a green branch or pouring water or earth on the base of the flames and their surroundings

- Remove vegetation from the environment so that it does not spread

- Once the fire has been extinguished, verify its complete extinction before leaving, to prevent hidden embers from restarting the fire later

- Report what happened to the authorities.

- If the fire is important, alert the extinguishing services, calling 112 and, upon arrival, collaborate with them

- Try to remain calm and cold-blooded and provide an exit, so as not to be surrounded by fire

- Do not leave roads, tracks or trails

- Move away from the fire in the opposite direction to its advance, if possible, down slope and against the wind (observe the smoke)

- Do not cross through a burning area

- Escape through already burned lands

- Do not stand at high altitudes

If the fire is very close, protect the body, hands and head with thick clothing, if possible wet or damp

- If clothes catch fire, do not run but roll on the ground and/or cover the affected person with a blanket or pour water or earth on him

- In the event that the fire surrounds the area preventing escape, protect yourself in water if available (streams, ditches, ponds, etc.) or lie behind rocks or holes in the ground and wait until the surrounding vegetation burns

- If you are trapped in a house surrounded by fire, close doors and windows and protect the bottom of the doors and cracks with wet rags

- If there are power lines in the area, disconnect the current

- Avoid thick and dry vegetation

- Avoid troughs (they can act as chimneys) especially if the fire is in lower areas

- If there is smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief


- Remove the injured person from the focus to a safe place and place him in a horizontal position on his back or in a lateral position if his back is burned, and face down if the burns affect his sides and back.

- Notify the emergency services, calling 112 for assistance and evacuation

- When the injured person's clothing is in contact with the burn, do not remove it if you observe that it is adhered to the skin

- Cool the burn with jets of cold water

- Do not burst the blisters or treat it with ointments or ointments without a medical prescription

- Protect burns with clean cloths and if possible with sterile compresses

- Cover the victim to prevent him from getting cold, even if it is summer

- Do not give food or drink to the severely burned person who is unconscious; if conscious, give small sips to drink to rehydrate the body

- Do not supply alcoholic beverages

- In case of symptoms of suffocation due to breathing smoke or combustion gases, if it does not recover spontaneously, practice artificial respiration and cardiac massage when no pulsations are perceived


- Given the enormous extension of the wooded land, its isolation and the lack of human presence and surveillance, many of the fires are caused intentionally (several sources simultaneously or in different areas at the same time, use of incendiary devices, etc.) by criminals who act on their own initiative (revenge, interests, psychopathies) or hired by others; they often use motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles that make it easy to flee from the place.

These subjects are difficult to identify and detain (only 2-3% of the perpetrators are arrested), so the control and investigations would have to be intensified with more personnel and specialized technical means (surveillance, fingerprint and DNA analysis in failed incendiary devices, verification of traces of tires of suspicious vehicles in the vicinity of the initial outbreaks, telephone tapping and home searches of people with backgrounds or economic interests, etc.)

- Another type of intentional authorship is that produced by the so-called arsonists, whose profile responds to that of a man with a rather low IQ, who enjoys or is delirious when he sees the flames and their effects; sometimes it is he himself who warns about the fire and collaborates in the extinction.

Currently, in addition to the use of ground fire brigades equipped with all-terrain vehicles, with the classic buckets and hoses, and helicopters, larger and larger transport planes are being used that can unload several tons of water or retardant liquids on fires. hot spots or hard-to-reach areas.

From now on, if the global warming of the planet continues, the best way to combat forest fires should be through the use of more means (planes, etc.) and especially more specialized personnel (firefighters, rangers and forest workers) for surveillance tasks, forest clearing and construction of access roads and firebreaks. The necessary economic investments would be more than compensated with the conservation and maintenance of an irreplaceable forest ecological heritage and also with an increase in jobs.

Cuando un bosque se quema, algo nuestro se quema...

Prevention is essential: Fires must be put out in/since the previous WINTER!!...



The information and medical opinions contained in this article are for informational purposes only and, in no case, should and cannot replace the advice of a doctor; Any person who feels affected by symptoms or suspicions of suffering from a disease or needing a vaccine, does not comply with this information, and should go to the consultation of a doctor, or corresponding health specialist, for advice, diagnosis of their condition and prescribes the medication or treatment he deems appropriate.


Ver estos videos: 



Ver también:

REPOBLACIÓN FORESTAL: Plantar millones de árboles / FOREST REPOBLATION: Plant millions of trees / REPOBLATION FORESTIÈRE: Plantez des millions d'arbres / ЛЕСНАЯ РЕПОБЛЯЦИЯ: посадить миллионы деревьев

9 de mayo de 2023

H2O: Cada vez mas escasa / ¿Vamos hacia una desertizacion debido al calentamiento global?/ H2O: Increasingly scarce / Are we heading towards desertification due to global warming?/ H2O : De plus en plus rare / Va-t-on vers la désertification à cause du réchauffement climatique ?/ H2O: Cada vez mais escassa/ Caminhamos para a desertificação devido ao aquecimento global?/ H2O: Sempre più scarsa / Stiamo andando verso la desertificazione a causa del riscaldamento globale?/ H2O: Immer knapper / Steuern wir durch die Erderwärmung in Richtung Wüstenbildung?/ H2O: становится все меньше / Мы движемся к опустыниванию из-за глобального потепления?/ H2O:越來越稀缺/由於全球變暖,我們正在走向荒漠化嗎?/ H2O: ますます不足 / 地球温暖化による砂漠化に向かっていますか? / H2O: तेजी से दुर्लभ / क्या हम ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के कारण मरुस्थलीकरण की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं?/ H2O: تزداد ندرة / هل نتجه نحو التصحر بسبب الاحتباس الحراري؟ /


La escasez de lluvias y la persistencia de unas temperaturas mas elevadas de lo normal durante los meses del ultimo invierno y la actual primavera presagian una etapa de cambio climático que nos amenaza con una crisis agrícola y ganadera, y con un aumento del riesgo de incendios forestales...

Nuestras reservas de agua (H2O), en pantanos, presas, embalses y rios, estan a niveles mínimos y, si no cambia el tiempo - con nuevas y abundantes precipitaciones - habrá que raccionar el suministro acuático tanto en los regadíos como en las actividades industriales e incluso suprimir el uso del agua en céspedes, campos de golf, piscinas particulares y otros usos recreativos.

Parece que este grave problema afecta sobre todo, además de a las regiones  ecuatoriales de Africa y Sudamerica, a los países más meridionales de Europa y tambien a amplias zonas de Asia, Australia y Nueva Zelanda

Seguramente que estos cambios - que amenazan con un incremento de desertizacion - estan causados por el calentamiento planetario con un aumento de varios grados en la temperatura desde ahora y durante los años venideros

Para combarir esos terribles efectos, los expertos de las Naciones Unidas, Gobiernos de muchos paisesy de otras muchas organizaciones ecologistas aconsejan tomar varias medidas, como las siguientes:

Administrar el agua en la agricultura y la ganadería

En ambas actividades se consumen grandes cantidades de agua; conviene evitar los riegos por inundacion y transformar las fincas para poder aplicar sistemas de aspersión y riegos por goteo; aumentar los cultivos en viveros y parcelas apropiadas para el riego programado, con canalizaciones y dispositivos automáticos regulados con inteligecia artificial; asimismo programar raccionalmente la alimentacion de los animales en granjas y establecer sistemas de recuperación y purificación de excrementos; evitar al máximo las macrogranjas y apostar por la cria de animales al aire libre; es aconsejable el pastoreo en bosques y praderas: ya que es mas barato y se produce una limpieza de hierbas y malezas que evitan la produccion y propagacion de incendios

Asministrar y economizar agua y energia en industrias

Obtener energia eléctrica de fuentes no contaminantes (hidroelectrica, solar, eólica, geotermica, maremotriz, de hidrógeno, etc); investigar sobre procesos de fabricación que disminuyan el consumo de agua y la produccion de gases y residuos contaminantes. En la industria textil se gastan enormes cantidades de agua (por ejemplo para fabricar unos pantalones vaqueros hay que utilizar unos 8000 litros de agua)...

.Ahorrar agua y energía en el propio domicilio 

- Mejorar el aislamiento, en muros, suelo (parquet de madera), puertas y ventanas (doble cristal); usar menos o disminuir la potencia de la calefaccion y el aire acondicionado; usar aparatos electrodomésticos de bajo consumo; usar bomba de calor eléctrica; instalar bombillas LED; lavar con agua fria; tender la ropa en vez de usar secadoras electricas, etc; cambiar la energia a fuentes renovables, como la eólica o la solar; instalar paneles solares en el tejado; no construir piscinas privadas y utilizar la ducha en vez de la bañera

Evitar al máximo el uso de vehículos de combustion de hidrocarburos (gasolina, diesel, coches, aviones, barcos, etc) que contaminan el medio ambiente; sustituirlos cuando sea posible por medios menos contaminantes o colectivos (coches electricos, autobuses, ferrocarril electrico, uso de biodiesel y nitrogeno verde. etc; usar bicicletas o patines elecricos, caminar, etc) 

Usar bienes, productos y servicios ecológicos

De industrias y empresas que se comprometan a reducir emisiones de gases y residuos nocivos, combustibles fósiles y eviten la deforestación y que invierten en negocios sostenibles a nivel medioambiental 

Consumir menos, reparar, reutilizar y reciclar

En ropas, aparatos electrónicos, etc para evitar las emisiones de carbono que se producen en su elaboracion (extracción de las materias, fabricación. transporte, residuos, etc), tirar menos comidas: utilizarlas al maximo y usar los restos para abono agricola o alimentacion animal

Difundir y amparar las ideas de salud y cambio ecologico

En foros de Internet, en asociaciones ecologistas y haciendo saber a los comerciantes proveedores cuales son nuestras preferencias en materia de salud alimentaria y utilidad para el medio ambiental; en las elecciones votar a los candidatos políticos que ofrecan programas favorables a la salud y a la ecologia

En resumen, es hora de actualizar los planes hidrológicos, aumentando la eficacia en el aprovechamiento de los recursos acuáticos: trasvases raccionales, evitacion de fugas de agua en las canalizaciones y tuberias (se calcula que mas de un 30 por ciento del agua disponible se pierde por averias o por falta de vigilancia y  mantenimiento adecuados)

Y tambien reciclar, purificar y reutilizar el agua usada para riegos asi como desalinizar el agua marina en las zonas costeras


Ver tambien:

CALOR / ALTAS TEMPERATURAS / INCENDIOS FORESTALES: medidas para prevenir y tratar sus efectos nocivos 

Videos sobre cambio climático y sus consecuencias 

Videos sobre deforestación y desertificación por falta de lluvias y el calentamiento: Consecuencias y medidas

CONTAMINANTES nocivos para la salud y el medio ambiente / POLLUTANDS harmful to health and the environment