СПИСОК обычных СЛОВ на АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ, начинающихся на букву А / LISTE der üblichen Wörter in Englisch, beginnend mit dem Buchstaben C / LISTA DE PALAVRAS usuais em INGLÊS começando com a letra C / ELENCO delle solite PAROLE in INGLESE che iniziano con la lettera C / 英文中常用單詞的列表,以字母C開頭 / 文字Cで始まる英語の通常の単語のリスト / सामान्य शब्दों की सूची अंग्रेजी में C अक्षर से शुरू होती है / قائمة بالكلمات المعتادة باللغة الإنجليزية تبدأ بالحرف C
Esta lista de las palabras inglesas más usadas en la vida cotidiana, forma parte de una selección de unas 10.000 palabras que se irán publicando periódicamente por orden alfabético; en este artículo se relacionan las que comienzan por la letra C
This list of the most used English words in everyday life is part of a selection of about 100,000 words that will be published periodically in alphabetical order; in this article those that begin with the letter C are listed
El motivo de confeccionar estas listas es el de facilitar al estudiante internanuta el aprendizaje, traducción y práctica de las palabras más básicas y esenciales para el manejo del idioma Inglés
The reason for making these lists is to facilitate the learning, translation and practice of the most basic and essential words for the English language.
(Observa como muchas de las palabras inglesas (30% o más) se escriben de manera similar a las españolas y tienen el mismo significado)
(Note how many of the English words (30% or more) are spelled similarly to Spanish and have the same meaning)
Aunque el traductor está en principio programado para en la versión del inglés al español, TAMBIÉN PUEDES VER Y ESCUCHAR ESTAS PALABRAS EN OTROS MUCHOS IDIOMAS (unos 100, en el traductor de Google); BASTA CON SELECCIONAR EL IDIOMA AL QUE QUIERAS TRADUCIR LAS PALBRAS CONCRETAS
Although the translator is in principle programmed for the English to Spanish version, YOU CAN ALSO SEE AND HEAR THESE WORDS IN MANY OTHER LANGUAGES (about 100, in Google translate); JUST SELECT THE LANGUAGE TO WHICH YOU WANT TO TRANSLATE THE SPECIFIC WORDS
Al trasladar y transferir las 10/15 palabras de cada párrafo con / al traductor, el resultado de la traducción se limita al significado principal de cada palabra. Si quieres ver y escuchar todos los significados posibles de cada palabra, es recomendable seleccionar / traducir palabra por palabra, es decir, seleccionar y traducir una sola palabra (especialmente aquella que nos es desconocida o nos ofrece mayores dudas sobre sus significados)
By linking and transferring the 10/15 words of each paragraph with / to the translator, the result of the translation is limited to the main meaning of each word; If you want to see and hear all the possible meanings of every word, it is advisable to select / translate word by word, that is, select and translate a single word (especially one that is unknown to us or offers us greater doubts about its meanings)
Pulsar sobre cada párrafo para escuchar la pronunciación en ingles y español
Click on each paragraph to hear the pronunciation in English and Spanish
cab - cabaret - cabbage - cabin - cabinet - cable - cablegram - cabotage - cacao - cachalot - cachexy - cacophony - cactus
cadence - cadmium - caducity - cafe - caffeine - cage - caisson - cake - calabash - calamitous - calcine - calcium - calculate - calefaction
calendar - calenture - calf - caliber - caliph - call - calligraphy - call - calm - cal - calvary - calvinism
cambist - cambium - camel - camelia - camera - camomile - camp - camping - campestral - camping - campus
Canadian - canal - canalization - cancel - cancelation - cancer - cancerous - candelabrum - candidate - candidness - candle - candor - candy
cane - canícula - canine - canker - cannabis - cannibal - cannon - cannot - canoe - canon - can't - cantata - canteen - canton - canyon
cap - capacity - caparison - cape - capital - caprice - capsula - captain - captive - capture
car - carabine - caracole - carafe - caramel - caravan - caravel - carbon - carbonate - carcass - carcinoma - card - cardboard
cardiac - cardinal - care - career - careful - careless - caress - cargo - carib - caribou - caricature - caries - car-load
carnal - carnival - carnivorous - carp - carpenter - carpet - carriage - carrier - carrot - carry - cart - cartel - cartilage - cartoon - cartridge
cascade - case - casein - cash - cashier - casino - cask - cast - castana - caste - castellan - caster - castigate - casting - castle - castor - castration - casually - casuistic
cat - catalogue - cataract - catarrh - catastrophe - catch - category - cathedral - catheter - catholicism - cattle - caudal - cauliflower - cause - caustic - cautelous - caution
cavalier - cave - cavern - caviar - cavil - cavity - cayman - cease - cede - ceiling - celebrate - celebrity - celerity - celestial - celibate - cell - cellar - cello - cellular
cement - cemetery - centenary - centigrade - centime - centimetre - central - centre - centric - centrifugal - century
ceramic - cereal - cerebel - cerebral - cerebrum - ceremony - certain - certificate - certify - certitude - cervical
cess - cessation - cession - cetaceous - chain - chais - chaise - chalet - chalk - challenge - chamber - chameleon - champage - champignon - champion
chance - change - channel - chant - chaos - chapel - chapter - character - characteristic - charge - charity - charm - chartografhy
chase - chaste - chastise - chat - chateau - chauffeur - chaw - cheap - cheat - cheek - cheer - cheese - chef
chemise - chemist - chemistry - cheque - cherish - cherry - chess - chest - chestnut - cheval - chevalier - chew
chic - chiches - chicken - chide - chief - chiffre - child - children - chill - chimera - chimney - chimpanzee - chin -chinese - chip
chit - chit-chat - chitty - chivalry - chlorine - chloroform - chock - chocolate - choice - choir - choke - choler - cholera - choleric
choose - chop - chopping - choral- chord - chorus - Christ - christian - chistianism - christmas - chrome - chronic - chronicle - chronology
church - cicatrice-ze - ciconia - cider - cigar - cigar-shop- cigarette - cigarette-paper - cinch - cincture - cinder - cinema - cinematograph - cinque
cipher - circle - circuit - circular - circulate - circulation - circulatory - circumference - circumflex - circumspection - circumstance - circumstantial - circus - cirque
cistern - cite - citizen - citric - citron - city - civic - civil - civilian - civilization - civilize - civism
clack - claim - clamour - clamp - clan - clap - clarify - clarinet - clarity - clasp - class - classic - clasify - clause - clavicle - claw - clay
clean - cleandse - clear - clearly - clemency - clerk - clever - cliché - click - client - cliff - climate - climb - clime - clinic - clip
cloak - clock - close - closing - cloth - cloud - cloudy - clown - club - cluster - clutch
co - coach - coaction - coadjuntand - coagulate - coal - coalition - coast - coat - cob - cobalt - cobra - coca - cocaine - coccus - cock - cockatoo - cocktail - cocoa - coconut
coction - cod - code - codeine - codex - codfish - codify - coefficient - coercion - coetaneous - coexistence - coffee -coffer - coffin
cogitate - cognac - cognition - cognize - cognomen - cohabit - cohabitation - coherence - cohesion - cohort - coin - coincide - coincidence - coition
cola - colabourer - cold - collaborate - collaboration - collaborator - collapse - collar - collateral - colleague - collect - collection - collective - collegue - collegial
collision - collocate - collocation - colloquial - collutorium - collyrium
colon - colonel - colonial - colonist - colonization - colonize - colony - colophon - colour - colossal - coloured - colourless - colt - columbian - column - colza
commode - commodity - common - commotion - communal - commune - communication - communist - community - commute
compact - compaginate - companion - company - comparable - compare - comparison - compartment - compass - compassion - compatible - compatriot
compendium - compensate - compensation - compete - competence - competent - competition - compilation - complacence - complacent
complaint - complement - complementary - complete - complex - complexion - complicate - complicity - compliment
complot - comply - component - comport - comportment - compose - composer - composite - composition -compositer - compost
composure - compote - compound - comprehend - comprehensible - comprehension - compress - compression - compressor
comprise - compromise - comptroller - compulsion - computable - computation - compute - comrade
con - conatus - concave - conceal - concealer - concede -conceit - conceive - concentrate - concentration - concentre - concentric
concept - concepcion - conceptual - concern - concert - concession - concessionary - conch - conciliar - conciliation - concise - concision
conclave - conclude - conclusion - concord - concourse - concrete - concur - concurrence - concurrent
condemn - condemnation - condense - condensity - condescendent - condescendence - condiment - condition - conditional - condole - condone - condor - conduce - conduct - conductor
cone - confabulation - confection - confederation - confer - conference - confess - confession - confessor
confide - confidence - confident - confidential - configuration - confine - confinement
confirm - confirmation - confiscation - confiture - conflagration - conflict - confluence - conform - conformity - confound
confrere - confront - confrontation - confuse - confusion - congeal - congest - congestion - conglomerate - conglomeration - congratulate - congregate - congregation - congress - congruence - congruent
conic - conjecture - conjoin - conjugate - conjugation - conjunction - conjunct - conjunctiva - conjuration - conjure
connect - connection - connex - connexion - connivance - connotation - conquer - conquest - consanguinity - conscience - conscient - conscious
consecrate - consecution - consecutive -consensual - consensus - consent - consequence - consequent - consequently
conservation - conservatory - conserve - consider - considerable - consideration - consing - consigner - consist - consistence - consistent - consistory
console - consolidate - consomme - consonant - consort - conspiration - conspire - constable - constancy - constant - constellation - consternation
constipation - constitution - constitutional - construct - constructor - construction - consubstantial - consuetudinary - consul - consulate - consultation
consume - contact - contact-breaker - contagion - contagious - contain - container - contaminate - contamination - contemplate - contemporaneous
contend - content - contention - contentious - contest - contestation - context - contiguous - continence - continent - continental
contingence - continual - continuance - continuation - continue - contour - contra - contraband - contrabandist - contrabass - contraceptive - contract - contractile - contraction
contradiction - contradictory - contra-indication - contraposition - contrariety - contrarious - contrary - contrast - contravention
contribute - contribution - control - controversy - contuse - contusion - convalescence - convection - convenience - convent - convention
converge - convergence - conversation - conversion - convert - convex - convict - conviction - convince - convive - convocation - convoke - convoy - convulse -convulsion
cook - cool - cool-headed - coolness - cooper - co-operate - co-operation - co-operative - co-operator - co-ordinate
cop - co-partner - co-patriot - cope - copier - copious - copper - coproprietor - copula - copulate - copulation - copy - copy-book - copying - copyist - copyright
coquette - coral - corbie - cord - cordial - cordiality - cordon - core - cork - corkscrew - corn - corned - corner - cornet - cornice - cornuted
corona - corporal - corporation - corpse - corpulence - corpulent - corpus - corral - correct - correction - correctional - correspond - correspondence - correspondent - corresponding
corridor - corrigible - corroborate - corrode - corrosion - - - corrosive - corrugate - corrupt - corruption - corsair - corset - cortege - cortex - cortical
cosmetic - cosmic - cosmology - cosmopolitan - cosmos - cosac - cost - costa - costly - costume - cot - cottage - cotton
couch - cough - could - council - counsel - counsellor - count - countable - counter - counterfeit - counterfort - counter-march - counter-natural - counterpane - counter-part
counter-petition - counterpoint - counterpoise - counterpoison - counter-revolution - counter-sense - countersing - counter-strike - counterview - counte-weight - counter-work
countess - counting-house - countless - country - countryman - county - coup - couple - couplet - coupling - coupon - courage - courier - course - court - courtesy - court-house - courtyard - cousin
cove - covenant - cover - covering - covert - coverture - covert-way - covet - covetousnecrass - cow - coward - cowardly - cowboy - cower - cowman - co-worker - coy - cozen - cozenage
crab - crabbed - crack - cracker - crackle - cracksman - cradle - craft - craftsman - craftsmaster - crafty - crag - craggy - cram - cramp
crampon - cranial - cranium - crank - cranky - crape - crash - crass - crate - crater - crunch - cravat - crave - crawl - crawler - crayon - crazy
creak - creaking - cream - creamery - crease - create - creation - creative - creator - creature - credence - credent - credentials - credibtlity - credible - credibly - credit - creditor - credo - credulity - credulous
creek - creep - creeper - cremate - cremation - crematorium - crematory - creole - crepitate - crepuscular - crepuscule - crescendo - crescent - cresset - crest - cretaceous - cretin - crevasse - crew
crib - cricket - crime - crimeful - crimeless - criminal - criminality - criminology - crimp - crisis - crisp - criss-cross - criterion - critic - criticize - critique
croak - crocodile - crook - crooked - crop - croquette - cross - crossing - cross-way - crouch - crow - crowd - crown
crucial - crucifix - crude - cruel - cruise - cruiser - crumb - crumble - crunch - crush - crust - crustaceous - crustation - crusty - crutch
cry - crying - cryolite - crypt - cryptic - cryptogram - cryptography - cryptology - crystal - crystalline - crystallize
cub - cube - cubic - cubical - cubicle - cubit - cucumber - cucurbit - cuddle - cudget - cuff - cuirass - cuisine - cull - cullender - culminate - culpability - culpabl - cult - culivate - cultivation - cultivator - culture
cumber - cumbrance - cumbrous - comin - cumulate -cumulation - cunning - cup - cupfull - Cupid - cupidity - cupola - cupule
curable - curate - curative - curb - curd - cure - cureless - curer - curfew - curia - curiosity - curious - curl - curly - currant - currency - current - curriculum - curry
curse - cursed - cursedness - curt - curtail - curtain - curtness - curtsey - curvature - curve - curved - curvity - cushat - cushion - cuspid - custody - custom - customer
cut - cutaneous - cutlet - cutter - cutting - cuttle-fish - cuvette - cycle - cyclist - cyclone - cyclopean - cyclopaedia - cylinder - cylindric - cynic - cypress - czar - czech
PARA VER OTRAS PALABRAS Y FRASES EN VARIOS IDIOMAS (decir hola, adiós, dónde, buenos días, etc) pulsar la ETIQUETA "IDIOMAS" al pié de esta página