17 de mayo de 2021

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) : Present and future benefits for Humanity / NTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE (IA): avantages présents et futurs pour l'humanité / INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL (IA): Beneficios presentes y futuros para la Humanidad / / Искусственный интеллект против человеческого интелл

Künstliche Intelligenz vs. menschliche Intelligenz / Artificial intelligence vs. human intelligence / Artificial intelligence contro intelligenza umana / 人工智能 與 人類 智能 / 人工 知能 (AI) : 人類 に と っ て の 現在 お よ び 将来 の और के आर्टिफिशियल आर्टिफिशियल び 将来 の の 利益 लिए आर्टिफिशियल आर्टिफिशियल 将来 の 利益 लिए आर्टिफिशियल आर्टिफिशियल: भविष्य के लाभ / الذكاء الاصطناعي مقابل الذكاء البشري

We hear it in all media: We are in the decade of the

AI - Artificial Intelligence

When we hear about it, we think of movies like "A Space Odyssey", in which the HAL9000 supercomputer made its own decisions, or "Terminator," where a cyborg from the future visited us with evil plans.
Right now we are very far from that, but nevertheless, in very specific tasks of applied AI, we have exceeded many of the human senses and capabilities.

What is AI?

AI can be defined as the science that enables machines and computer programs to be able to solve problems that normally require human intelligence.

What has made all this possible?

These three pillars have fed the baby who could not grow and now he has become a giant:

- Processing capacity of computers. We are one step away from achieving quantum computing, so the speeds will still multiply

- Storage capacity and data collection in the millions. Big data. This makes the algorithms better. If they don't have data to "learn" with, they don't work. Data is the new oil.

- Transmission of this data at previously unthinkable speeds

All this has led to, little by little, computers have achieved:

- see (artificial vision with ultra-powerful cameras),
- hear (voice recognition) and
- understand (natural language processing (NLP)
equal to or better than us.

To this we must add that we have managed to create algorithms that make machines learn by themselves (Machine Learning) and can simulate data entry millions of times better than a human and achieve perfect results.

For example, they have already far surpassed us playing chess and even in the complex Chinese game of GO.

I don't see that intelligence apparently. Where is it applied now?

Well, we have it for the most part in our pockets.
Smartphones increasingly include more tools that work with AI without us noticing.

Take a look at these examples:

- Digital photography perfected by algorithms

- Personal assistants (Siri, Cortana), who understand our voice and give us the information we ask for

- Translators to all languages

- Autocorrectors not only spelling but incorrect constructions

- Subtly in all the publicity that comes to us. Also in how they sell us items on Amazon for example, recommending things that almost always interest us

- Alerts of dangers of online banking fraud

... And an endless number of applied cases that are gradually entering our lives.

Will computers do my job?

It is the big question of millions of people who fear a storm of risks when they hear stories of what the great future capabilities of AI will look like.

Any work that can be automated is likely to be carried out by robots + AI in the medium term. Some in a couple of years, others in about 10.

The most difficult jobs to automate are those related to creativity (actors, painters, choreographers, composers), manipulation (dentists, restorers, etc ...) and social perception (psychologists, priests, nurses, consultants)

Although it is true that in many of these branches advances are already being made, such as robots that operate, or programs that compose music or poetry.

What is the future of AI?

There are fears that the development of intelligence that equals or exceeds ours, but has the ability to work at much higher speeds, could have negative implications for the future of humanity.

There are many respected scientists like Stephen Hawking who warned of this: "AI could be the best or the worst thing that has happened to humanity."

Even if robots don't kill us or all of our jobs, they could perform self-taught negative or destructive actions, such as starting a world war or making a deadly virus.
It would only be necessary to program them badly or lead them to actions of this type.

And it is that unfortunately - if we remember the historical experiences of the past - it is to be feared that much of this cutting-edge technology is first tried to be used for warlike uses. Humans have always been like this.

This understandable concern is sensitizing many of the large technology companies such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, etc., to investigate and defend the

I think we should trust and be optimistic. It is possible that in the future AI will allow us to free ourselves from all repetitive work and we can focus on other types of more creative and rewarding tasks. So ... Play it up! Will AI be the lever of our future? I have no doubt that YES.


To expand your knowledge of the subject, it is suggested to see these links:
