ERDBEBEN: Maßnahmen der Prävention und Überlebens
भूकंप: रोकथाम और अस्तित्व के उपाय
Terremotos: Medidas de prevenção e de sobrevivência
الزلازل: تدابير الوقاية والبقاء على قيد الحياة
भूकंप: रोकथाम और अस्तित्व के उपाय
Terremotos: Medidas de prevenção e de sobrevivência
الزلازل: تدابير الوقاية والبقاء على قيد الحياة
Los terremotos son causados principalmente por el desplazamiento y choque de las llamadas placas tectónicas que acumulan y liberan energía afectan la corteza terrestre; esto ocurre especialmente en fracturas de los bordes de dichas placas.
También se originan como consecuencia de procesos volcánicos, fallas geológicas u otros movimientos o hundimientos que se producen en la superficie o en zonas más profundas de la corteza y el manto terrestre.
Las ondas sísmicas pueden ser longitudinales, transversales o superficiales; circulan a velocidades que oscilan entre 3 y 14 km/s. Consecuencia de los dos primeros, son los más lentos y los que dan lugar a terremotos y, en ocasiones, a tsunamis.
La intensidad de los movimientos sísmicos se mide según una serie de escalas (Richter, Mercalli) que captan las redes sismográficas.
Hay dos puntos para localizar la ubicación de los terremotos.
Uno es el llamado hipocentro que se encuentra en el interior de la tierra; Es el foco o lugar donde comienza el movimiento sísmico.
El segundo es el epicentro que está en la superficie y se sitúa encima del hipocentro.
Los mayores efectos suelen producirse alrededor del epicentro.
Los temblores ocurren en todo el mundo, pero la mayoría son de pequeña intensidad e inofensivos.
A lo largo de la Tierra existen zonas geográficas con una mayor intensidad y frecuencia de movimientos sísmicos que están catalogados en los estudios sismográficos de cada país; Suelen coincidir con la presencia de volcanes.
Aunque la ubicación exacta y el momento o la intensidad de futuros terremotos no son predecibles, se pueden tomar medidas preventivas y de alerta para proteger a la población y minimizar los daños.
La mayoría de las muertes y heridos que se producen como consecuencia de un terremoto son provocados, en primer lugar, por el derrumbe de edificios y por el desprendimiento o caída de objetos externos (balcones, chimeneas, cornisas, techos, ventanas, vidrios, postes , letreros, cables eléctricos, etc.) o interiores (escaleras, armarios, molduras, lámparas, objetos pesados colocados en alto, etc.)
Y, posteriormente, por descarrilamiento, rotura de presas, accidentes, tsunamis, explosiones, incendios, etc. o por fugas de gas, derrames de líquidos inflamables y cortocircuitos eléctricos así como por conductas imprudentes provocadas por el pánico: caídas, colisiones, abusos, nerviosismo. ataques, etc
En el terremoto submarino del Océano Índico de 2004, seguido de un fuerte tsunami, que afectó a Indonesia, Tailandia, Sri Lanka, Tailandia, India y otros países de la zona, murieron más de 200.000 personas (ver su descripción en Wikipedia)
Si puede elegir la ubicación de una casa, asegúrese de que esté en un terreno firme y plano, fuera del río o arroyo y lejos de laderas inestables de las montañas.
Evite también aquellos que se encuentran al nivel del mar o debajo de presas o pantanos.
Asimismo, no viva cerca de centrales nucleares, depósitos o almacenes de combustible, industrias que manejen sustancias peligrosas, aeropuertos y vías de tránsito masivo por carretera o ferrocarril.
Todos estos lugares conllevan riesgos importantes en caso de terremotos.
Otra de las principales medidas preventivas se refiere al adecuado diseño y construcción de las edificaciones, las cuales deben estar dotadas de cimientos, columnas y estructuras a base de vigas y mallas de acero y cemento armado.
Bien entendido que no existen construcciones cien por cien seguras ya que siempre serán más o menos vulnerables dependiendo de la intensidad destructiva de los terremotos.
En cuanto a las construcciones antiguas, sobre todo si se vive en zonas de alto riesgo sísmico, es recomendable reforzarlas siguiendo las indicaciones de un arquitecto.
Hasta que se lleven a cabo las reformas podemos ordenar construir, en algunas de las habitaciones (dormitorios) o zonas de las casas, colegios o viviendas, módulos sismorresistentes que sirvan como refugios de emergencia y constituyan una primera protección contra desprendimientos o caídas de piezas. del inmueble: estos módulos pueden consistir en cubos, conos o prismas (de unos 2 a 4 metros cuadrados de base por 1,50 / 1,80 m de alto) de estructura metálica o incluso fabricados con gruesos tableros de madera firmemente sujetos mediante soportes metálicos.
El profesional que construye estos módulos debe ser experto en calcular el espesor y refuerzo de sus estructuras para obtener la mayor resistencia y protección ante la carga o impacto de un posible colapso de techos, tabiques, muebles, etc. debido a un sismo. Lo mejor es consultar a un arquitecto.
Examinar las instalaciones eléctricas y de gas, asegurándose de que estén protegida
Si puede elegir la ubicación de una casa, asegúrese de que esté en un terreno firme y plano, fuera del río o arroyo y lejos de laderas inestables de las montañas.
Evite también aquellos que se encuentran al nivel del mar o debajo de presas o pantanos.
Asimismo, no viva cerca de centrales nucleares, depósitos o depósitos de combustible, industrias que manejen sustancias peligrosas, aeropuertos y vías de tránsito masivo por carretera o ferrocarril.
Examinar las instalaciones eléctricas y de gas, asegurando que estén protegidas y que cuenten con conexiones flexibles y dispositivos de interrupción automática para casos de sobrecarga o emergencias.
Los muebles (libreros, gabinetes) y electrodomésticos (refrigeradores, TV, calentadores) pesados o de gran altura y tamaño deben fijarse/atornillarse a las paredes o muros para evitar que se muevan o caigan por las vibraciones o movimientos de un sismo. Las puertas deben tener cierres.
Los objetos más pesados, libros voluminosos, platos, cristalería, vajillas, etc. deben colocarse en las partes bajas de los muebles o estanterías.
Las lámparas y cuadros deben ser ligeros y mantenerlos bien sujetos.
Evite estanterías o estantes en el cabecero o cerca de camas y sofás.
Evite macetas en ventanas y balcones.
Tener localizado y a mano: extintor, teléfono móvil, botiquín de primeros auxilios, linterna, dinero, documentación personal, ropa (zapatos resistentes, guantes, abrigo, etc.) y herramientas u otros objetos que puedan ser útiles en caso de emergencia.
Una vez que cesen los movimientos y vibraciones, proceda con calma.
Si estamos dentro de una casa o propiedad, y no hemos sido atrapados o heridos por los golpes, realizar una inspección del lugar con precaución y prudencia, verificando los posibles daños y riesgos.
En función de estos habrá que decidir si es preferible quedarse o proceder a una evacuación.
Si quedamos atrapados, lo más vital es preservar la respiración y la visión intentando proteger/tapar boca, nariz y ojos del polvo, con gafas o una mascarilla improvisada.
Luego verificar si existen lesiones o fracturas lavando o desinfectando, vendando o protegiendo las zonas erosionadas o magulladas; Reducir y entablillar miembros dislocados o fracturados.
En caso de sangrado, intentar presionar la herida y elevar el miembro o parte lesionada, aplicando un vendaje temporal con un paño limpio o un torniquete si se observa sangrado que persiste bajo presión.
Se debe aflojar el torniquete cada 15/20 minutos para restablecer la circulación sanguínea y ver si el sangrado se ha detenido o disminuido, en cuyo caso se dejará el vendaje.
Si alguien ha perdido el conocimiento por un traumatismo o presenta síntomas de asfixia, intentar no moverlo para no agravar las lesiones sino aplicarle medidas de reanimación cardiorrespiratoria y respiración asistida.
Proteger a los heridos, ancianos o niños, improvisando un vivac y/o resguardarlos del frío y proporcionarles agua para beber.
Si no puedes salir a pedir ayuda, o utilizar tu teléfono móvil, puedes golpear tres veces repetidamente en paredes, suelos o tuberías para alertar a los servicios de rescate. El sonido se transmite bien a través de los materiales.
Si se decide la evacuación se deberá recoger un equipo con los objetos imprescindibles: ropa, calzado resistente (vidrios rotos y objetos cortantes por todas partes), guantes, linterna, dinero, documentos, herramientas, bastón, comida y agua potable, etc. y estudie la mejor manera de salir del edificio o pida ayuda si esto no es posible y también la forma de ayudar a otras personas que estén heridas o discapacitadas.
Es mejor utilizar una mochila o similar para tener las manos libres: pensar que estamos ante una incursión con posibles obstáculos y peligros; tendremos que sortearlos, a veces trepando, como haría un escalador; Cualquier herramienta que tengamos a mano (hacha, martillo, piolet, bastón, cuerda, etc.) puede ser útil.
Evite tocar cables sueltos y evite los líquidos derramados, ya que podrían transmitir descargas eléctricas.
No encender cerillas, velas, etc., ni accionar los interruptores eléctricos, especialmente si se sospecha la rotura de cables o instalaciones de gas o electricidad.
Cerrar la llave de paso de gas y agua y desconectar la electricidad.
Si percibe olor a gas, abra las ventanas y abandone el edificio, avisando lo antes posible a los servicios correspondientes.
Como ayuda exterior (bomberos, etc.) se podrá recurrir, si es posible, a intentar apagar pequeños incendios, evitar el agravamiento de los daños o anular cortocircuitos y fugas de gas o agua, actuando con la máxima precaución y prudencia.
Reacción ante posibles tsunamis e inundaciones:
Si vives en zonas costeras, cercanas al mar, inmediatamente después de que cesen las sacudidas del terremoto -cuando ha sido intenso, de más de 10 segundos de duración- debes evacuar urgentemente la zona y dirigirte hacia el interior (2 a 3 km) y, si es posible, hacia montañas u otras zonas más elevadas.
Los tsunamis pueden llegar a la costa con velocidades de más de 50 km/h y alturas de hasta 30 m.
Así mismo si en el momento del sismo nos encontramos en zonas con riesgo de inundación (cauces de ríos, zonas bajas cercanas a pantanos, canales, etc.), se debe evacuar inmediatamente a sitios más altos, ya que un sismo puede agrietar o fracturar las presas, compuertas. o tuberías y provocar inundaciones peligrosas.
Una vez superada la emergencia, debemos intentar llegar a una zona lo más segura posible, donde se encuentre asistencia y protección, ya que la desorganización y el caos provocado por la catástrofe suman nuevos problemas de alimentación, suministros sanitarios y alojamiento para las víctimas, así como como posibles riesgos de asaltos y saqueos
Si vives en zonas costeras, cercanas al mar, inmediatamente después de que cesen las sacudidas del terremoto -cuando ha sido intenso, de más de 10 segundos de duración- debes evacuar urgentemente la zona y dirigirte hacia el interior (2 a 3 km) y, si es posible, hacia montañas u otras zonas más elevadas.
Los tsunamis pueden llegar a la costa con velocidades de más de 50 km/h y alturas de hasta 30 m.
Así mismo si en el momento del terremoto nos encontramos en zonas con riesgo de inundación (cauces de ríos, zonas bajas cercanas
Earthquakes are mainly caused by the displacement and shock othis f the so-called tectonic plates that accumulate and release energy affect the earth's crust; this occurs especially in fractures of the edges of said plates.
They also originate as a result of volcanic processes, geological faults or other movements or subsidence that occur on the surface or in deeper areas of the earth's crust and mantle.
Seismic waves can be longitudinal, transverse or superficial; they circulate at speeds that oscillate between 3 and 14 km / s. Consequence of the first two, they are the slowest and those that give rise to earthquakes and, sometimes, to tsunamis.
The intensity of seismic movements is measured according to a series of scales (Richter, Mercalli) that capture seismograph networks.
There are two points to locate the location of earthquakes.
One is the so-called hypocenter that is found inside the earth; It is the focus or place where the seismic movement begins.
The second is the epicenter that is on the surface and is located above the hypocenter.
The greatest effects usually occur around the epicenter.
Tremors occur worldwide, but most are of small intensity and harmless.
Throughout the Earth there are geographical areas with a greater intensity and frequency of seismic movements that are cataloged in the seismographic studies of each country; They often coincide with the presence of volcanoes.
Although the exact location and timing or intensity of future earthquakes are not predictable, they can be taken and preventive and alert measures to protect the population and minimize damage.
Most of the deaths and injuries that occur as a result of an earthquake are caused, in the first place, by the collapse of buildings and by the detachment or fall of external objects (balconies, chimneys, cornices, roofs, windows, glass, poles , signs, electrical cables, etc.) or interiors (stairs, cabinets, moldings, lamps, heavy objects placed high, etc)
And, subsequently, by derailment, dam breakage, accidents, tsunamis, explosions, fires, etc. or because of gas leaks, spillage of flammable liquids and electrical short circuits as well as reckless behaviors caused by panic: falls, collisions, abuses, nerve attacks, etc.
In the 2004 Indian Ocean underwater earthquake, followed by a strong tsunami, which affected Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and other countries in the area, more than 200,000 people died (see its description on Wikipedia)
If you can choose the location of a home, ensure that it is on firm and flat ground, outside the river or stream and away from unstable mountain slopes.
Avoid also those at sea level or below dams or swamps.
Likewise, do not live near nuclear power plants, fuel stores or warehouses, industries that handle hazardous substances, airports and mass transit roads by road or rail.
All of these locations carry significant risks in case of earthquakes.
Another of the main preventive measures refers to proper design and construction of buildings, which must be provided with foundations, columns and structures based on beams and meshes of steel and reinforced cement.
Well understood that there are no one hundred percent safe constructions since they will always be more or less vulnerable depending on the destructive intensity of earthquakes.
As for old buildings, especially if you live in areas of high seismic risk, it is advisable to reinforce them following the instructions of an architect.
Until the reforms are carried out we can order to build, in some of the rooms (dormitories) or areas of the houses, schools or homes, earthquake-resistant modules that serve as emergency shelters and constitute a first protection against landslides or falls of parts of the property: these modules can consist of cubes, cones or prisms (from about 2 to 4 square meters of base by 1.50 / 1.80 m high) of metal structure or even made with thick wooden boards firmly attached by metal brackets.
The professional who builds these modules must be an expert to calculate the thickness and reinforcement of their structures to obtain the greatest resistance and protection against the load or impact of a possible collapse of ceilings, partitions, furniture, etc. due to an earthquake. It is best to consult an architect.
Examine the electrical and gas installations, ensuring that they are protected
If you can choose the location of a home, ensure that it is on firm and flat ground, outside the river or stream and away from unstable mountain slopes.
Avoid also those at sea level or below dams or swamps.
Likewise, do not live near nuclear power plants, fuel stores or warehouses, industries that handle hazardous substances, airports and mass transit roads by road or rail
Examine the electrical and gas installations, ensuring that they are protected and that they have flexible connections and automatic interruption devices for cases of overload or emergencies.
Furniture (bookcases, cabinets) and appliances (refrigerators, TV, heaters) heavy or of great height and size must be fixed / screwed to the walls or walls to prevent them from moving or falling through the vibrations or movements of an earthquake. The doors must have closures.
The heaviest objects, bulky books, plates, glassware, dishes, etc. should be placed in the lower parts of the furniture or shelves.
The lamps and pictures must be light and keep them well secured.
Avoid shelves or shelves on the headboard or near beds and sofas.
Avoid pots in windows and balconies.
Have located and on hand: fire extinguisher, mobile phone, first aid kit, flashlight, money, personal documentation, clothes (resistant shoes, gloves, coat, etc.) and tools or other objects that may be useful in case of emergency.
Once the movements and vibrations cease, proceed calmly
If we are inside a house or property, and we have not been caught or injured by the shocks, carry out an inspection of the place with caution and prudence, verifying the possible damages and risks.
Depending on these, it will be necessary to decide whether it is preferable to stay or proceed to an evacuation.
If we were trapped, the most vital thing is to preserve breathing and vision trying to protect / cover mouth, nose and eyes from dust, with glasses or an improvised mask.
Then verify if there are injuries or fractures by washing or disinfecting, bandaging or protecting the eroded or bruised areas; reducing and splinting dislocated or fractured limbs.
In case of bleeding, try to press the wound and elevate the injured limb or part, applying a temporary bandage with a clean cloth or a tourniquet if bleeding that persists under pressure can be seen.
The tourniquet must be loosened every 15/20 minutes in order to restore blood circulation and see if the bleeding has stopped or decreased in which case the bandage will be left alone.
If someone has lost consciousness due to trauma or has symptoms of suffocation, try not to move it so as not to aggravate the injuries but to apply cardiorespiratory resuscitation and assisted breathing measures.
Protect the injured, elderly or children, improvising a bivouac and / or shelter them from the cold and provide them with water to drink.
If you can't get out to ask for help, or use your mobile phone, you can hit three times repeatedly on walls, floors or pipes to alert rescue services. The sound is transmitted well through the materials.
If the evacuation is decided, a team with the essential objects must be collected: clothes, resistant footwear (broken glass and sharp objects everywhere), gloves, flashlight, money, documents, tools, a cane, food and drinking water, etc. and study the best way out of the building or ask for help if this is not possible and also the way to help other people who are injured or disabled.
It is better to use a backpack or similar to have your hands free: think that we are facing an incursion with possible obstacles and dangers; we will have to get around them, sometimes climbing, as a climber would do; whatever tools we have at hand - ax, hammer, ice ax, cane, rope, etc. - can be useful.
Avoid touching loose wires and bypass spilled liquids as they could transmit electric shocks.
Do not light matches, candles, etc., nor operate the electrical switches, especially if the rupture of cables or gas or electricity installations is suspected.
Close the gas and water stopcock and disconnect the electricity.
If there is a smell of gas, open the windows and leave the building, alerting the corresponding services as soon as possible.
As foreign aid (firefighters, etc.) it may take, if possible, to try to put out small fires, avoid aggravation of damage or cancel short-circuits and leaks of gas or water, acting with the utmost caution and prudence.
They also originate as a result of volcanic processes, geological faults or other movements or subsidence that occur on the surface or in deeper areas of the earth's crust and mantle.
Seismic waves can be longitudinal, transverse or superficial; they circulate at speeds that oscillate between 3 and 14 km / s. Consequence of the first two, they are the slowest and those that give rise to earthquakes and, sometimes, to tsunamis.
The intensity of seismic movements is measured according to a series of scales (Richter, Mercalli) that capture seismograph networks.
There are two points to locate the location of earthquakes.
One is the so-called hypocenter that is found inside the earth; It is the focus or place where the seismic movement begins.
The second is the epicenter that is on the surface and is located above the hypocenter.
The greatest effects usually occur around the epicenter.
Tremors occur worldwide, but most are of small intensity and harmless.
Throughout the Earth there are geographical areas with a greater intensity and frequency of seismic movements that are cataloged in the seismographic studies of each country; They often coincide with the presence of volcanoes.
Although the exact location and timing or intensity of future earthquakes are not predictable, they can be taken and preventive and alert measures to protect the population and minimize damage.
Most of the deaths and injuries that occur as a result of an earthquake are caused, in the first place, by the collapse of buildings and by the detachment or fall of external objects (balconies, chimneys, cornices, roofs, windows, glass, poles , signs, electrical cables, etc.) or interiors (stairs, cabinets, moldings, lamps, heavy objects placed high, etc)
And, subsequently, by derailment, dam breakage, accidents, tsunamis, explosions, fires, etc. or because of gas leaks, spillage of flammable liquids and electrical short circuits as well as reckless behaviors caused by panic: falls, collisions, abuses, nerve attacks, etc.
In the 2004 Indian Ocean underwater earthquake, followed by a strong tsunami, which affected Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and other countries in the area, more than 200,000 people died (see its description on Wikipedia)
If you can choose the location of a home, ensure that it is on firm and flat ground, outside the river or stream and away from unstable mountain slopes.
Avoid also those at sea level or below dams or swamps.
Likewise, do not live near nuclear power plants, fuel stores or warehouses, industries that handle hazardous substances, airports and mass transit roads by road or rail.
All of these locations carry significant risks in case of earthquakes.
Another of the main preventive measures refers to proper design and construction of buildings, which must be provided with foundations, columns and structures based on beams and meshes of steel and reinforced cement.
Well understood that there are no one hundred percent safe constructions since they will always be more or less vulnerable depending on the destructive intensity of earthquakes.
As for old buildings, especially if you live in areas of high seismic risk, it is advisable to reinforce them following the instructions of an architect.
Until the reforms are carried out we can order to build, in some of the rooms (dormitories) or areas of the houses, schools or homes, earthquake-resistant modules that serve as emergency shelters and constitute a first protection against landslides or falls of parts of the property: these modules can consist of cubes, cones or prisms (from about 2 to 4 square meters of base by 1.50 / 1.80 m high) of metal structure or even made with thick wooden boards firmly attached by metal brackets.
The professional who builds these modules must be an expert to calculate the thickness and reinforcement of their structures to obtain the greatest resistance and protection against the load or impact of a possible collapse of ceilings, partitions, furniture, etc. due to an earthquake. It is best to consult an architect.
Examine the electrical and gas installations, ensuring that they are protected
If you can choose the location of a home, ensure that it is on firm and flat ground, outside the river or stream and away from unstable mountain slopes.
Avoid also those at sea level or below dams or swamps.
Likewise, do not live near nuclear power plants, fuel stores or warehouses, industries that handle hazardous substances, airports and mass transit roads by road or rail
Examine the electrical and gas installations, ensuring that they are protected and that they have flexible connections and automatic interruption devices for cases of overload or emergencies.
Furniture (bookcases, cabinets) and appliances (refrigerators, TV, heaters) heavy or of great height and size must be fixed / screwed to the walls or walls to prevent them from moving or falling through the vibrations or movements of an earthquake. The doors must have closures.
The heaviest objects, bulky books, plates, glassware, dishes, etc. should be placed in the lower parts of the furniture or shelves.
The lamps and pictures must be light and keep them well secured.
Avoid shelves or shelves on the headboard or near beds and sofas.
Avoid pots in windows and balconies.
Have located and on hand: fire extinguisher, mobile phone, first aid kit, flashlight, money, personal documentation, clothes (resistant shoes, gloves, coat, etc.) and tools or other objects that may be useful in case of emergency.
Once the movements and vibrations cease, proceed calmly
If we are inside a house or property, and we have not been caught or injured by the shocks, carry out an inspection of the place with caution and prudence, verifying the possible damages and risks.
Depending on these, it will be necessary to decide whether it is preferable to stay or proceed to an evacuation.
If we were trapped, the most vital thing is to preserve breathing and vision trying to protect / cover mouth, nose and eyes from dust, with glasses or an improvised mask.
Then verify if there are injuries or fractures by washing or disinfecting, bandaging or protecting the eroded or bruised areas; reducing and splinting dislocated or fractured limbs.
In case of bleeding, try to press the wound and elevate the injured limb or part, applying a temporary bandage with a clean cloth or a tourniquet if bleeding that persists under pressure can be seen.
The tourniquet must be loosened every 15/20 minutes in order to restore blood circulation and see if the bleeding has stopped or decreased in which case the bandage will be left alone.
If someone has lost consciousness due to trauma or has symptoms of suffocation, try not to move it so as not to aggravate the injuries but to apply cardiorespiratory resuscitation and assisted breathing measures.
Protect the injured, elderly or children, improvising a bivouac and / or shelter them from the cold and provide them with water to drink.
If you can't get out to ask for help, or use your mobile phone, you can hit three times repeatedly on walls, floors or pipes to alert rescue services. The sound is transmitted well through the materials.
If the evacuation is decided, a team with the essential objects must be collected: clothes, resistant footwear (broken glass and sharp objects everywhere), gloves, flashlight, money, documents, tools, a cane, food and drinking water, etc. and study the best way out of the building or ask for help if this is not possible and also the way to help other people who are injured or disabled.
It is better to use a backpack or similar to have your hands free: think that we are facing an incursion with possible obstacles and dangers; we will have to get around them, sometimes climbing, as a climber would do; whatever tools we have at hand - ax, hammer, ice ax, cane, rope, etc. - can be useful.
Avoid touching loose wires and bypass spilled liquids as they could transmit electric shocks.
Do not light matches, candles, etc., nor operate the electrical switches, especially if the rupture of cables or gas or electricity installations is suspected.
Close the gas and water stopcock and disconnect the electricity.
If there is a smell of gas, open the windows and leave the building, alerting the corresponding services as soon as possible.
As foreign aid (firefighters, etc.) it may take, if possible, to try to put out small fires, avoid aggravation of damage or cancel short-circuits and leaks of gas or water, acting with the utmost caution and prudence.
Reaction to possible tsunamis and floods:
If you live in coastal areas, near the sea, immediately after the earthquake shocks cease - when it has been intense, lasting more than 10 seconds - you must urgently evacuate the area and head inland (2 to 3 km ) and, if possible, towards mountains or other higher areas.
Tsunamis can reach the coast with speeds of more than 50 km / h and heights of up to 30 m.
Likewise if at the time of the earthquake we are in areas with flood risk (riverbeds, low areas close to swamps, canals, etc.), they must be evacuated immediately to higher sites, since an earthquake can crack or fracture the dams, floodgates or pipes and cause dangerous floods.
Once the emergency is over, we must try to reach an area that is as safe as possible, where assistance and protection are found since the disorganization and chaos caused by the catastrophe add new problems of food and health supplies and housing for victims, as well as possible risks of assaults and pillages
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Muebles para refugiarse durante un terremoto
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Muebles para refugiarse durante un terremoto