20 de marzo de 2018

DESHIDRATACION: Síntomas, daños que produce y medidas para mejorar la salud / DEHYDRATION: Symptoms, damages produced and measures to improve health


El agua, H2O, es imprescindible para la vida; de ella depende la existencia, el desarrollo y la salud de los seres humanos y de los demás organismos animales y vegetales.

El 62 % del cuerpo humano es agua (este porcentaje es incluso mayor en algunos órganos, como en el cerebro donde supera el 70 %)
El 91 % del plasma sanguíneo es agua.
El agua representa también el 70 % del componente líquido de las células.

Para el funcionamiento de todos los órganos y sistemas del cuerpo humano (cerebro, corazón, pulmones, hígado, riñones, estómago, intestinos, téstículos, ovarios, piel, sistemas nervioso, muscular, circulatorio, respiratorio, digestivo, hormonal, urinario, sexual, etc tiene que existir un suficiente equilibrio hídrico que debe ser aportado por la toma de líquidos en las bebidas y alimentos que consumimos cada dia, de tal forma que el volumen ingerido compense las pérdidas producidas mediante la secreción de orina, sudor, saliva, etc

El riesgo de deshidratación es mas frecuente en determinadas edades, enfermedades, actividades o deportes (bebés, ancianos, deportistas que compiten en pruebas de gran dureza, trabajadores y viajeros expuestos  a condiciones de calor extremo, enfermos con diarrea, vómitos,  hemorragias o diabetes con pérdidas de orina excesivas, etc)

Además de la falta de agua, la deshidratación produce también una disminución en los niveles de hidratos de carbono, electrolitos y minerales (sodio, potasio, etc)

Síntomas y efectos negativos de la deshidratación

Sensación de sed y sequedad bucal, lengua pegajosa
Orina escasa, de color amarillento intenso u obscuro
Piel fría, seca, con aumento de las arrugas y disminución de la tersura
Cansancio, debilidad, fatiga, aturdimiento, mareos, nauseas, somnolencia, etc
Alteraciones - aceleración - del ritmo cardíaco y respiratorio
Dolor de cabeza
Bajada de la tensión arterial
En casos graves pueden producirse desvanecimientos y pérdidas de la consciencia con riesgo para la vida

El bajo consumo de agua, durante periodos prolongados, agrava u origina algunas enfermedades, como, por ejemplo, la litiasis renal

Medidas de prevención

Se estima que la cantidad líquida media (agua, caldos, zumos, refrescos, lácteos, etc)  que debemos ingerir a lo largo del día para evitar la deshidratación es de 1 litro y medio a 2 litros (de 6 a 8 vasos)

No obstante, dicha cantidad habrá de incrementarse en función de ciertos factores que aumenten la actividad corporal y provoquen sudoración, tales como el calor estival, trabajo al aire libre y al sol, ejercicios deportivos intensos, etc.

Es aconsejable tomar, además de agua mineral, limonada alcalina y bebidas isotónicas.

La limonada alcalina puede prepararse en casa añadiendo a un litro de agua, el zumo de 1 o 2 limones, 1 o 2 cucharadas de azucar, una pizca de sal y otra de bicarbonato.

Las bebidas isotónicas, - recomendadas para restablecer el equilibrio hídrico en la realización de entrenamientos y competiciones deportivas - suelen contener, ademásde agua, carbohidratos, azucar, sales minerales (compuestos de sodio, potasio, calcio, fosfatos, magnesio, etc), vitamina C y antioxidantes.

En las comidas es también aconsejable tomar con frecuencia: caldo, sopa, yogur, gazpacho, ensaladas (tomates, pimientos, pepino, lechuga, etcy, especialmentetoda clase de frutas  (algunas de ellas tienen un alto contenido de agua y zumos: como las sandías, melones, naranjas, mandarinas, kiwis, ciruelas, melocotones, cerezas, fresas, papayas, cocos, etc)

NO es recomendable tomar bebidas alcohólicas para combatir la sed, salvo uno o dos vasos de vino o cerveza en las comidas(en todo caso, si de vez en cuando se ingieren bebidas alcohólicas, deben acompañarse con abundante agua, limonada o zumos)

Tampoco hay que abusar de las colas y otras bebidas o refrescos altamente azucarados.

Igualmente es negativo el exceso de café, té o bebidas que contengan cafeína, (ya que son substancias diuréticas que aumentan la cantidad y frecuencia de la orina que eliminamos y por tanto contribuyen a la pérdida de liquidos)

Tratamiento contra la deshidratación

Si se sospecha que una persona está deshidratada lo mejor es acudir al médico para que indique el tratamiento más adecuado en cada caso.

Hay que poner máxima atención en observar si hay síntomas de deshidratación en los bebés, las personas de avanzada edad y en las que estén afectadas por cualquier enfermedad o proceso febril, especialmente si se encuentran en situaciones de inconsciencia o con merma de sus facultades mentales.

Aunque el paciente no tenga sed hay que procurar que beba a menudo aunque sea pequeñas cantidades de líquido (agua hervida, caldo, zumos, bebidas isotónicas, etc)

Para los bebés, la mejor prevención y tratamiento contra la deshidratación es el consumo habitual de leche materna o, en su defecto, de biberones con una composición análoga y cuyas dosis serán indicadas por el médico, pediatra o farmaceútico.

Cuando la deshidratación sea grave el médico puede ordenar el ingreso del enfermo en un centro hospitalario y el suministro de líquidos por vía endovenosa.


La información y opiniones médicas contenidas en este artículo tienen únicamente una finalidad divulgativa y, en ningún caso, deben ni pueden sustituir el consejo de un médico o farmaceútico; cualquier persona que se sienta afectada por síntomas o sospechas de padecer una deshidratación no ha conformarse con esta información, y sí debe acudir a la consulta de un médico, farmaceútico, o especialista sanitario correspondiente, para que le aconseje, diagnostique su afección y le prescriba la medicación o tratamiento que considere apropiados.

10 de marzo de 2018

Decir BUENAS NOCHES en varios idiomas (español, inglés, ruso, francés, italiano, portugués, alemán, chino, japonés, hindi, árabe y esperanto) / Say GOOD MORNING in several languages

 Words and phrases common in several languages Слова и фразы, обычные на нескольких языках  /  Mots et phrases usuels dans plusieurs langueParole e frasi comuni in diverse lingue /  Palavras e frases usuais em vários idiomas  Wörter und Sätze, die in mehreren Sprachen üblich sind 词和多国语言常用短语  /  いくつかの言語で通常使用される単語とフレーズ / शब्दों और वाक्यांशों को सामान्यतः कई भाषाओं में / الكلمات والعبارات المعتادة في عدة لغات   /  Vortoj kaj frazoj kutime en pluraj lingvoj


Buenas noches


Good night
(gud nait)
Good evening
(gud ivning)


спокойная ночь
(paku inenoch)


Bonne nuit
(Bon nuit)


Buona notte
(buona notte)
Buona sera
(buona sera)


Boa noite
(boa noite)


Gute Nacht
(gute najt)
Guten Abend
(guten aben)

Chino mandarín:

(uan áan)




शुभ संध्या!
(chup sóndía)


ليلة سعيدة!
(nein netensandria)


Bonan vesperon!
(bonan vesperon)


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10 de febrero de 2018

ENERGIAS LIMPIAS RENOVABLES (solar / eólica / hidráulica / geotermica, etc): Efectos y consecuencias de su extraordinario desarrollo a nivel mundial / RENEWABLE CLEAN ENERGIES (solar / wind / hydraulic / geothermal, etc): Effects and consequences of its extraordinary development worldwide

Se producen especialmente en países como Alemania, Japón, USA, Rusia, China, India, Canadá,  Israel, Francia, Brasil, Austria, Suecia, Noruega, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Islandia, Reino Unido, España, Italia, Grecia, Portugal, Irlanda, Letonia, Estonia, Lituania, Eslovenia, Rumanía, Bulgaria, Checoeslovaquia, Croacia, México, Chile, Costa Rica, Perú, Honduras, Paraguay, Tanzania, etc

Por otra parte, el aumento en la eficiencia tecnológica y el abaratamiento de los materiales (baterias, placas solares, infraestructuras, maquinarias, etc) está haciendo posible y rentable dicha expansión que conduce, a su vez, a una mayor producción de esta energía limpia con precios competitivos e incluso inferiores a los ofertados por las centrales contaminantes de hidrocarburos (carbón, gasoil, gasolina, gas, etc) o potencialmente peligrosas como las centrales nucleares.

Por ello se puede afimar que en un plazo de 8 a 10 años las energias limpias sustituirán progresivamente a las contaminantes que todavía se utilizan en la actualidad: La energía eléctrica procedente de fuentes renovables sera empleada no sólo en alumbrado y calefacción de los hogares sino también en comercios, instalaciones industriales y en los medios de locomoción - primero en trenes donde ya se usa ampliamente - e inmediatamente después, en cuanto se generalice y abarate la producción y eficiencia de los vehículos eléctricos, en coches, autobuses, camiones, tractores y demás medios terrestres...

En una segunda etapa, unos años más tarde, alcanzará sin duda a los medios de tranporte aéreos y marítimos...

Esta importante expansión tecnológica facilitara el camino hacia la disminución de la contaminacción atmosférica en las grandes urbes, mejorando la salud mundial al evitar las numerosas enfermedades que sufrimos hoy en día.

Asimismo, al dejar de usarse el carbón y los hidrocarburos, existirá una devalución de los mismos, pasando a ser productos de aprovechamiento secundario, lo que llevará al abandono de los numerosos yacimientos menos rentables.
Y por razones devaluatorias similares, esperemos que, también, al cierre o disminución de las centrales nucleares.

De esta manera la humanidad entrará en una nueva etapa evolutiva que evitará el cambio climático y los desastres de la contaminación planetaria...

¡¡¡Seamos optimistas...!!!

30 de enero de 2018

Fco de QUEVEDO: "Érase un hombre a una nariz pegado"... (soneto) / A famous satirical Spanish poem by Francisco de Quevedo

Érase un hombre a una nariz pegado,
érase una nariz superlativa,
érase una nariz sayón y escriba,
érase un peje espada muy barbado.

Era un reloj de sol más encarado,
érase una alquitara pensativa,
érase un elefante boca arriba,
era Ovidio Nasón más narizado.

Érase un espolón de una galera,
érase una pirámide de Egito,
las doce tribus de narices era.

Érase un naricísimo infinito,
muchísima nariz, nariz tan fiera
que en la cara de Anás fuera delito.

Otra versión del terceto final:

Érase un naricísimo infinito,
frisón archinariz, caratulera,
sabañón garrafal, morado y frito.

Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (1580-1645)

Para ver más poemas clásicos célebres de la lengua española, y de otras lenguas, pulsar la etiqueta LITERATURA/POESIA

12 de enero de 2018


Las agresiones y ataques machistas contra mujeres son una plaga mundial que muchas veces produce graves consecuencias: abusos, lesiones,violaciones, homicidios, etc.

Como quiera que los delincuentes responsables suelen actuar en ámbitos ocultos o privados y prevaliéndose de su superioridad física, bastantes mujeres - que se sienten débiles, desamparadas y con frecuencia avergonzadas - no se atreven a luchar y muchas veces ni siquiera a denunciar o testificar contra sus agresores.

Ello comporta la existencia de una importante cifra negra de tales delitos que no son perseguidos ni sancionados, con lo que aumenta la impunidad y proliferación de estos repugnantes criminales; es una problemática dificil de neutralizar a nivel policial y judicial, a pesar de las investigaciones, detenciones y condenas que se producen.

Por lo expuesto, existe una corriente de opinión favorable, de una parte, al endurecimiento de las penas (prisión permanente revisable)  y, de otra,  a una mayor concienciación en prevención y entrenamiento para la autodefensa personal por parte de las mujeres y potenciales víctimas.

Sería deseable que las mujeres, apartir de los 8 / 10 años de edad, fuesen aleccionadas - a nivel familiar y escolar - sobre los posibles riesgos que comporta su sexo y su belleza ante la fauna criminal existente (un no despreciable 3 a 6 % de la población masculina) que, si se dan las condiciones favorables - superioridad, soledad, nocturnidad, etc - puede actuar contra ellas.

Y esta concienciación de alerta, procurando no crear complejos de inferioridad o de miedo, debe ir encaminada, por un lado, a informales para que obren con prudencia y eviten conductas o situaciones de riesgo como asistir o frecuentar ciertos locales o lugares a los que acuden elementos sospechosos, consumir alcohol o drogas,  tener relaciónes o compañías dudosas, etc y por otro lado, sugerirles que aprendan y practiquen ciertos deportes o artes marciales así como técnicas de autodefensa personal: Judo, karate, lucha, boxeo, esgrima, tiro, etc

También para aprender a manejar determinados instrumentos, no prohibidos ni letales,  que pueden ser utilizados como "armas" de autodefensa en situaciones de peligro: sprays de pimienta similar al usado contra osos y perros, bastones, porras, herramientas, bolígrafos, linternas, silbatos, etc
(Hay que tener en cuenta las normas de cada país sobre la posibilidad de autorización o licencia para portar determinadas armas de fuego, gas, electrónicas, etc)

Conviene conocer algunas llaves de defensa para alejarse o desprenerse del acoso del agresor asi como poder atacar sus puntos más vulnerables (ojos, nariz, garganta, oidos, testículos, etc) que sean alcanzables para la víctima.

De todas formas el objetivo de la persona acosada no ha de ser lesionar o reducir al agresor, sino neutralizar o alejar la amenaza o acoso, así que tiene que tratar de evitar el enfrentamiento o la lucha y no dudar en apartarse y gritar pidiendo ayuda.Solo cuando no haya más remedio, deberá reaccionar eficazmente con técnicas de autodefensa para preservar su vida o su integridad física.

Y, en cuanto sea posible, ha de llamar a la Policía, al 112, 016, 091, etc y presentar siempre denuncia y testimonio aportando las señas del agresor o agresores para que puedan ser identificados y detenidos.

En la actualidad, varias empresas de seguridad y entidades de asistencia social para personas minusválidas, ancianos, etc, vienen desarrollando sistemas de alarma portátiles de manipulación manual, en forma de collares, llaveros (teleasistencia / petición de ayuda pulsando un "botón de emergencia o de pánico") o incorporados al teléfono móvil, con geolocalización de la persona que llama y conexión directa con centros de ayuda telefónicos -112, 016, etc - y enlace inmediato hacia servicios de urgencia: policía, ambulancias, bomberos,  establecimientos sanitarios, etc; en mi opinión deberían estimularse más estos sistemas para ser usados por toda la población y subvencionar su coste o incluso ofrecerlos gratuitamente a las personas más vulnerables o necesitadas.



7 de enero de 2018


Los montes más elevados de la Tierra se encuentran Asiaen las cordilleras del Himalaya y el Karakorum:

Everest - 8.848 m - Cord. Himalaya - Nepal / Tibet
K2 - 8.611 m - Cord. Karakorum - China / Pakistán 
Kangchenjunga - 8.586 m - Cord. Himalaya - China / Nepal
Lhotse - 8.516 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal
Makalu - 8.462 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal / Tibet
Cho Oyu - 8.201 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal / Tibet
Dhaulagiri - 8.167 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal
Manaslu - 8.163 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal
Nanga Parbat - 8.125 m - Cord Karakorum - Pakistán
Annapurna I - 8.091 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal
Gasherbrum I - 8.068 m - Cord Karakorum - China / Pakistán / India
Broad Peak - 8.047 m - Cord Karakorum - Pakistán
Shisha Pangma - 8.046 - Cord Himalaya - Tibet
Gasherbrum II - 8.035 - Cord Karakorum - China / Pakistán
Gyachung Kang - 7.952 - Cod Himalaya - China / Nepal
Gasherbrum III - 7.946 - Cod Karakorum - Pakistán / Cachemira
Annapurna II - 7.937 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal
Gasherbrum IV - 7.932 m -  Cod Karakorum - Pakistán / Cachemira
Himalchuli - 7.893 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal
Distaghil Sar - 7.884 m - Cord Himalaya - Nepal / Tibet

En Europa, las más altas son:

Elbrús - 5.652 m - Cord Cáucaso - Rusia 
Mont Blanc - 4,810 - Cord Alpes - Francia / Italia
Cervino - 4.478 - Cord Alpes - Suiza / Italia

En África:

Kilimanjaro - 5.891 m - Cord Valle del Rif - Tanzania
Kenya - 5.199 m - Kenya
Stanley - 5.109 m - Montañas Ruwenzori - Uganda / Rep. Dem. Congo

En América del Norte:

McKinley - 6.194 m - Cord Alaska - USA
De Orizaba - 5.702 - Cord Neovolcánica - México
Popocatépel - 5.452 - Cord Neovolcánica - México

En América del Sur:

Aconcagua - 6.962 m - Cord Principal - Argentina
Ojos del Salado - 6.893 - Cod Andes - Argentina / Chile

En Oceanía:

Puncak Jaya - 4.884 m - Cord Surdinam - Indonesia
Puncak Tricora -  4.730 - Cord Surdinam - Indonesia
Ngga Pilimsit - 4.717 - Cord Surdinam - Papúa Nueva Guinea

En la Antártida:

Vinson - 4.897 m - Montes Ellsworth - Chile

Tyree - 4.852 m - Cord Oeste Antártica 

22 de diciembre de 2017

Nous devrions MARCHER, au moins, 5.000 PAS par jour / Deberíamos CAMINAR, por lo menos, 5.000 PASOS CADA DÍA / We must walk 5.000 steps every day

Selon les experts, c'est la dose minimale d'exercice pour garder la forme.

La sédentarité facilite l'émergence de nombreux problèmes de santé: maladies cardio-vasculaires, les maladies articulaires, l'ostéoporose, l'obésité, le diabète, le manque de masse musculaire, la faiblesse physique et mentale, le stress, l'insomnie, etc.

Marcher, courir, faire sport, natation, cyclisme, etc, ainsi que la nutrition appropriée et d'éviter les substances toxiques (le tabac, l'alcool, les drogues, les milieux contaminés, etc.) implique d'éviter 70% de ces maladies et d'autres beaucoup.

Pour être en forme il faut cheminer, comme minimum, environ 4-5 km par jour, c'est-à-dire 45-60 minutes pendant ou le temps équivalent à monter en vélo, course, natation ou tout autre sport.

Le renforcement physique produit par exercice (muscles, ligaments, résistance à la fatigue, augmenter les défenses, etc.) compensent l'effort initial et encourager le sujet à une plus grande activité.

L'une des pratiques sportives les plus recommandables et saines est l'alpinisme: les ascensions par la monture à pas lent et court (à la mesure des possibilités physiques du marcheur) exercent et activent le fonctionnement du coeur et de la capacité pulmonaire, augmentant la puissance et la fréquence respiratoire et les battements de coeur qui conduisent une plus grande quantité de sang oxygéné à tout le corps et particulièrement au cerveau, produisant cette sensation plaisante d'euphorie et de bien-être typique des sports aérobiques.

Avec l'avantage de profiter également de l'air pur et la beauté des paysages et les forêts environnantes.

21 de diciembre de 2017

CRIMINOLOGY FACTORS: Why are crimes committed? / CRIMINOLOGÍA: FACTORES causantes de los delitos

(See the Spanish version of this article - Ver la versión de este articulo en español)

Why are crimes committed?

The criminal theories try to explain the reasons or factors that produce the delinquency.

The persons who commit crimes do it under the influence of diverse factors, many of them are endogenous (indivual, biological, genetic, etc) and other are exogenous (social, environmental, cultural, etc)

The factors are the favorable environment in which the subject meets immersed across the time, the place and the circumstances until at any one time one o more of them, under the decision of the will and individual freedom, they produce the step to the criminal act.

The factors can interact among them and to affect certain persons and not to others or to have effect negative only in certain situations or occasions.

Some of them can act even of ambivalent form provoking crimes or preventing them.

To more accumulated factors, major criminal predisposition.


Instincts. - Atavistic-instinctive predisposition towards violent aggression, inheritance of our ancestors on the scale of species evolution and especially of our reptilian ancestors

Psychopatys.- Disorders of the personality that generate varied types of psychopaths (intelligent, fanatical, cruel, violent, explosive, vindictive, exploitative, manipulative, etc)
Among them are the most dangerous criminals.

Against-Social Psychopatys.- Generally they are joined to the abuse of alcohol and drugs; they cause criminal serious and violent aggressions

Personalities with hostile feelings.- Sometimes also psychopaths; they show aggressiveness, hatred, revenge, cruelty, envy, rancor, intolerance, resentment, recklessness, etc

Mental illnesses.- Schizophrenia, psychosis, maniacal-depressive madness, encephalitis, meningitis, epilepsy, paranoia, neurosis, phobias, cerebral injuries, oligrofrenias, dementia for alcohol or drugs, etc (8-10 % of the population suffers mental disorders)

Superiority or inferiority complexes.-

Lack of moral values and altruistic feelings.-

Genetic alterations.- Abnormalities of chromosome XYY.

Hormonal disorders of the endocrine dysfunctions.- (hyperthyroidism, high level of testosterone, unloads of adrenaline, etc.)

Constitution physical-Typology.- The athletics types tend to be more aggressive, more violent criminal and passional.

Age.- More crimes are committed between 17 and 40 years.

Sex.- The men (70-80%) commit more crimes that the women (20-30%); also the "modus operandi" and the motivations often differ by gender.
The sexism of many men, with victimization of women, causes numerous crimes around the world (deaths, injuries, sexual assaults, threats, coercion, etc.)

Impulses and sexual perversions.- Sadism, paedophilia, disappointments love, jealousy, etc

Negative Influence of family in infancy and childhood; non-delivery of social and moral values; parents criminals, mentally unbalanced, alcoholics or drug addicts; maltreatment and sexual abuse in childhood; abandonment of the father or mother; illegitimacy of children, orphans, extramarital offspring, internment in reformatories, brothers offenders, indifference or lack of affection, family conflict, abuse women, divorce, poor education and schooling, excessive severity or mimes, poor supervision, family culture against the law and order (ethnic groups , Separatist-terrorists, religious fanatics, etc.), maturing early and forced child; lack of economic means, begging, poverty, unemployment, poor housing, etc.

Adolescence .- The crisis and psycho-physical and hormonal changes of puberty and development cause, mostly in men, insecurity, anxiety and emotional instability, attitudes of protest and rebellion, rejection and maladjustment to the socio-cultural models, complex, emotional clumsiness, irritability and behavioral abnormalities. If we join other negative factors such as alcohol and drug use, school failure or labor, low cultural level, influence of friends criminals, belonging to gangs, gangs or cults marginal or radical political groups, vagrancy, prostitution, sexual precocity, etc. , Deviant behaviour can lead to antisocial, violent assaults, vandalism, sexual offences, robbery, etc. (most crimes are street feature these juveniles)

Kleptomania .- It is a psychological disorder that makes theft irrational and irresistible objects without need and no matter their economic value; more frequent in women with depression, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, etc..

Pyromania .- Usually affect sociópatas with incendiary impulses, delusional mentally ill, mentally retarded, alcoholics, etc.

Problem gambling .- Obsession-pathological addiction, more frequent among men; gambling debts tend to rise theft, appropriation, threats, etc.

Alcoholism .- Alcohol poisoning, drunken pathological; carry states of mental confusion, alienation and hallucinations with "delirium tremens," celotipia alcoholic, etc. causing serious violent crimes, accidents, etc. Another pernicious effect of alcohol is the so-called "fetal alcohol syndrome" that can cause physical deformations and psychiatric problems to children born to women who have consumed beverages regularly during the pregnancy.

Drugs: traffic and consumption.- Especially addiction to heroin; crises of forcing the withdrawal addict without financial means to seek money through crime or prostitution; drugs are a criminogenic factors of the first order: 70-80% of crimes, detainees and prisoners are drug-related

Illegal traffic in firearms .- Millions of small arms (pistols, rifles, grenades, etc.) are circulating around the world, empowering mafia, guerrilla movements, criminal networks, etc.; sale massive, uncontrolled and arms smuggling causing thousands of deaths, terrorist assaults, thefts, etc.

Prostitution and pimping.- In addition to transmitting diseases (AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, etc.) are origin of kidnapping, trafficking in women and minors (trafficking mafias), rapes, murders, extortion, abortions, etc. and encourage alcoholism and substance abuse; prostitution on the contrary, the marketing of sexual impulses, avoids rape and sexual assaults

Poverty, hunger, homelessness, marginalization, poor distribution of wealth, economic crisis and shortages, high cost of living inequality of opportunity, lack of legitimate livelihoods, etc. Poverty affects 50% of the total world population. Some 1,000 million people go hungry

Unemployment, lack of work, work-trash, labor exploitation, lack of training, poor attitude towards work, strikes, labor disputes, etc. (60-80% of offenders do not have jobs or livelihoods)

Poor housing, living in slums, insufficient space, expensive rental housings, etc.

Illiteracy, ignorance, school failure, poor education: 40-50% of detainees has not completed primary education; 5-7% are illiterate

Contagion o infection-learning-differential-association, assumption or imitation of criminals models through a process of socialization, interaction with other individuals or criminal groups (family or friend groups criminals in prison, gangs, etc.) The crime is a consequence of the frequency, duration and intensity of contagion or infection-learning

Mentality and differents, opposite or contrary cultural or subcultural values to those of the dominant society, the crime may be a reaction to socio-cultural structures not accepted, some people reject the official culture failed and are integrated into a criminal subculture

Indoctrination/assumption of extremists or fanatical religious or political ideologies.- Certain radical extremist organizations, sectarian, separatist, racist, etc, exploit the naivety and lack of intellectual training of target groups, primarily children and youth, to be subjected to continual mental manipulation/dogmatic suggestion (true brainwashing) which leads them to hatred, discrimination and attacks on people of different race or ideology (the terrorist attacks, uprisings, subversive organizations, suicide rituals, wars, etc.) This type of manipulation has been a constant ideological throughout (burning/killing of infidels, heretics, wars of conquest, crusades, executions, torture, death camps, racist massacres, etc.)

Socio-economic-cultural impacts, in some countries of Asia and Africa, with certain social and family structures: inheritance customs, births, accomplishments, marriages, one-child policy, etc, preferring to men and not women, lead millions of abortions, feticide, infanticide and abandonment and sale of girls, female genital mutilation, etc.

Racism, xenophobia, discrimination against foreigners or people from other races, beliefs and customs; and the exploitation of poor or illegal
migrant workers

Organized crime.- Influence of professionalized criminal organizations, terrorists or mobsters; association between criminals or criminal groups (gangs); influence of these criminals in politics and justice, corruption and pressure on certain officials and political leaders causing their inhibition and complicity

Uncontrolled migration, the excessive permeability of open borders, mass tourism, the lack of closer monitoring of aliens permits the passage of international criminals and the penetration of all kinds of illegal trafficking (drugs, weapons, currency, works of art, etc.) and the settlement of fanatical cultures and anti-social customs

Inequality and social injustice, social maladjustment and frustration by the contrast-wealth-luxury opulence in face to poverty-misery; the incentives of the consumer society unmet generate stress, aggression and temptation to get the achievements through crime instead of working

Lust for power, dominance, greed, desire for profit/wealth and greed of the ruling oligarchies; corruption and impunity of high delinquency economic or political; oppression and injustice generate resentment and frustration that, often, leads to undertake criminal acts

Exploration and extraction of resources from certais countries in connivance with some corrupt political leaders (land, mines, oil, ect), leaving the population impoverished

Conflicts over economic interests, usurious loans, farm boundary problems, inheritances, etc.

Existence of tax havens for black money laundering and trafficking of foreign currency

Influences of the crime victim (scapegoat).- The victim is attacked if is easy target, if there is helplessness, weakness, loneliness (children, elderly people, women, destitute, mentally ill, etc.)

Incitement voluntary or involuntary of the victim (stimulus aggressive); attitude, appearance, sex, exhibitionism, etc; acting out of revenge, pretending to be a victim of a crime, causing a situation of legitimate defense to attack with legal cover, get a financial compensation faking a crime (fire or accident insurance), sometimes the victim cooperates with the offender (statutory rape, some scams, sadomasochism)

Increased number of dark figure of crimes because the victim did not report or testimony and the crime will not be known or prosecuted and the offender shall be concealed and unpunished; it happens sometimes, for fear of reprisals, threats, entrusting to the justice or police, etc (in certain events, the dark number of crimes is three times higher than the official statistics)

"Labeling approach".- Criminals is not the whole individuals who violate the law but which is labeled or stigmatized as such by the police and justice; when the labeling is unjust or misapplied criminal activity may produce a reaction against the established laws

Lack of safety measures, prevention and surveillance (patrols, alarms, surveillance cameras, controls, lack of grilles, security doors, solid fences, adequate lighting, etc.), facilities and opportunities to commit crime, difficulties of policing in the urban chaos or the overcrowded marginal areas of big cities, in passageways, areas or isolated homes, etc. (most of the crimes committed inside homes and buildings are impossible to detect; the 90% of crimes are fast commission and in hidden or lonely places), lack of effective security policies produces fear among the citizens to report or testify

Inadequat criminal and procedural laws; lack of criminal policy planning and effective prison, slow processes, lack means to investigate or prevent; lack of cocordinacion between judges/police/prisons, lack of treatment of offenders, low penalty or punishment and security measures and insufficient control for habitual offenders, dangerous or recidivists. The sentences just applied quickly and effectively reduce crime by deterring potential criminals.

Police action ineffective due to lack inadequate staff and equipment, low pay, poor discipline and supervision of command to increase efficiency and prevent corruption, lack of expertise and training, lack of attention to victims and social networking to implement prevention measures , information exchange and collaboration with citizens; failure of prevention and monitoring in areas of higher crime risk, lack of control over outputs Infomación and dangerous prisoners or recidivists, areas of drug trafficking, etc..

Malfunction failures or corruption of the judicial system; some judicial officials, lawyers, etc.. can influencecan influence on a rise of crimes if they act in favor of criminals, mafias and terrorist groups; this is particularly true in certain countries with undemocratic governments and political structures unevolved

Prison system without effective measures that make the prison amid crime enhancer, overcrowded prisons, remand prisoners with excessive and inadequate penalty, lawlessness, lack of discipline and negative reformer environment with contagious contact with other inmates; infrastructure not suitable for young offenders; exploitation of inmates by prison gangs.
Prisons should fulfill a mission of custody, to isolate and prevent convicted criminals re-offending, and also promote the rehabilitation and the psychiatric/medical treatment, (especially drug addiction detoxification); also the cultural and professional training, teaching a profession or trade so that they can make a living when them be liberated.

Wars and armed conflicts, The needs and extreme poverty increase during and after wars.
The wars, though sometimes unavoidable, are absolute disasters, with great effect for crime: murders, rapes, injuries, mutilation, imprisonment, forced labor, looting, mass destrucion, forced migration, abandoned children, diseases, etc. (70-80% of war victims are civilians)

Public disorders.- The people involved in disturbances or riots, spontaneous or induced; groups or crowd (riotous mass) lose their self-control and are subject to impulsive and emotional reactions of the mass itself and its leaders; there is an spiral of feedback that can trigger excitement, shouting, aggression and outbursts of violence, damage, looting, arson and other serious crimes; often some offenders exploit the confusion and lawlessness to commit their crimes

Political systems tyrannical, oppressives, corrupt, who violate for liberties and human rights, coercive imposition of unfair rules and dominant, the absence of a policy of freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism that hinders the normal development of social life. The leaders of these anti-democratic systems and their agents, in addition to committing crimes, have a multiplier effect criminogenic

Climate and geography.- In countries with cold climates (North) are more property crimes and the hot (South, Ecuador) crimes against persons, the heat predisposes to aggressive actions, this rate of crime usually increases during the months of summer. There are statistics showing that the crime figures descent in the days of rain or snow.

Criminal influence of large towns and cities and minor to rural areas due to factors such as urban overcrowding, excessive migrants, marginal population, disorganization, cramped space, social maladjustment, fast-paced, tension, stress, , impersonal relationships, congestion, air pollution, more opportunity to commit crime, poor or marginal neighborhoods, promiscuity, prostitution, filth, crime attraction to shopping areas and department stores; much crimes occur in road traffic between marginal areas, in commercial and in residential neighborhoods, in poorly lit streets, and in slums with bums, drunks, drug addicts, etc.
In cities of more than 200 thousand inhabitants, the crime rate is 4-5 times higher than in small towns and villages

Areas densely populated.- Exist more crimes when exist overpopulation, overcrowding, sprawl, crowding in roads and transport, uncontrolled migration, uprooting family and social, demographic explosion, marginal population; that all increase the conflict and competition, maladjustment of the emigrants , inequalities, diversity of uses and customs, class divisions, social disorganization, opportunities for crime, etc.
To more people, more crops with destruction of forests, trees; half of the tropical forests have been destroyed obtain wood for fuel, paper making, etc. Thousands of animal species disappear by reducing their habitat by human population expansion

New independent countries or political changes: Exist more crimes by cause of cultural conflict, migration, lack of tradition, destruction of cultural identities of origin, readjustment of taboos and customs, etc.

Excessive traffic and congestion of vehicles that cause pollution, accidents involving deaths and injuries, car theft, aggressions, noises, movement and traffic congestion, fatigue, stress, etc. The car is the subject and means of committing crimes, it is present at many robberies, terrorist attacks, killings, sex crimes, etc.

Great disasters, earthquakes, fires, etc., cause social disruption and confusion, increasing the chances for crime

Superstitions.- Certain practices of diviners, shamans, healers, witches, spiritualists, etc, in addition to mislead and defraud his false knowledge, can produce serious damage to health or cause death and mutilation, as ablation of cltoris, human sacrifices, destruction animal species for exploit the supposed powers of certain organs or bones (rinoceonte horns, tiger bones, etc.)

Some fashions and customs: deformation or physical scars to get a canon artificial of beauty (bandages to prevent the growth of girls' feet in ancient China; placement of large rings on the lips in certain African tribes),use of fur, ivory, jewels and the like, produce killing and smuggling of animals with species extermination, robbery of jewelry, etc.

The mass media, TV, Internet, cinema, video games, mobile phones, etc, show diferents models or value (sometimes positive and sometimes negative) in relation with crime, violence, assaults, etc. Sometimes they have an influence imitative negative as is been proved in actual crimes with "modus operandi" identical to those by certain films that occur shortly after his projection, hence it follows that there is a potential suggestive of violence on individuals predisposed to such as psychopaths, insane, minors, etc. (an child, between 1 and 15 years, get to see some 10-15 thousand deaths on the screen; and ¡attention to war games!)
However, we must also highlight the positive aspects: distribution and universal intercommunication through internet and satellite TV, knowledge, cultures and different livelihoods, protection of democratic, education in defense and prevention againts crime, notices of seeking and locating criminals, etc.


HOMICIDIOS y ASESINATOS: Prevención / Estadísticas por paises / HOMICIDES and MURDERS: Prevention / Statistics by countries / HOMICIDES et MEURTRES: Prévention / Statistiques par pays / Убийства и убийства: профилактика / статистика по странам

CRIMINALIDAD: Medidas contra hurtos, robos, asaltos, extorsiones, secuestros,violaciones, fraudes, etc. / CRIMINALITY: Measures against theft, assault, extortion, kidnapping, rape, violations, scams, etc

28 de febrero de 2017

HORMONES: Health and physical and mental balance / HORMONAS: Efectos sobre la salud física y mental

(Ver la versión española de este artículo pulsando en la etiqueta HORMONAS al pié de esta página)

Hormones are biochemical substances secreted primarily by the glands of the endocrine system. When transported by the blood they reach other organs or tissues of the body where they produce certain effects of regulation, stimulation or inhibition of their activity or functions.

Hormones are necessary to achieve many important effects related to biology and human and animal physiology, such as cellular chemical functions, conception, pregnancy, development, growth, metabolism, sexuality, maintenance of the immune system, cardiac, digestive, renal functions , etc

And they are also fundamental in neurological and psychic aspects since there is an intimate relationship between the endocrine system and the nervous system. Both systems regulate and influence activities such as wakefulness and sleep, vigor, fatigue, mental state, sexual desire, absence of pain, etc .

Many hormones, such as endorphins, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, or serotonin, are also neurotransmitters. Certain types of depression can be produced by lack of serotonin  hother hormones.

On the other hand certain emotions or psychic experiences (fear, anxiety, sadness, worries, aggression, hatred, love or sexual desire, etc.) cause the corresponding discharges / stimulations or inhibitions of certain hormones and neurotransmitters with the consequent positive or negative effect for Health and physical / psychic balance ...

The malfunctioning of the endocrine system by hyper or glandular hypofunction causes several pathologies: dwarfism, gigantism, acromelagia, diabetes, Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease, Graves's disease, fetal malformations, obesity, cretinism, mental retardation, alterations in the development and sexual functions, insomnia, obesity, decalcification, kidney diseases, etc.

Disorders and diseases caused by hormonal abnormalities are treated by the doctor or endocrine who, if necessary, can administer artificial hormones, as is the case with insulin for diabetics on a daily basis.

Some people take hormones for aesthetic, sporting, sexual, etc. purposes. This constitutes risky behavior that can have serious consequences for health. Before doing so, it is always advisable to consult a doctor.


More than 100 hormones have been discovered. The most significant are as follows:

Adrenaline / epinephrine PPE
ACTH Adrenocorticotropin
Adiponectin ADIPOQ
Calcitriol or vitamin D3
Cholecystokinin CCK
Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA
Dopamine DPM
Dihydrotestosterone DHT
Endorphin / s
Enkephalin / s
Estradiol D2
PR prolactin releasing factor
Human chorionic gonadotropin
HPL or Placental Lactogen
Antimullerian hormone
Adenocorticotropic hormone
Growth hormone or somatotropin GH / hGH
Follicle stimulating hormone
Corticotropin releasing hormone
Gonadotropin releasing hormone
Hormone releasing hormone adrenocorticotropic CRH
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone TRH
LHH Luteating Hormone
MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
Antidiuretic hormone
Human placental lactogen
Leptin LEP
Lipotropin PRH
Leukotrienes LT
MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
NPY Neuropeptide
Orexin Noradrenaline / norepinephrine NRE
Oxytocin OXT
Parathormone PTH
Prolactin PRL
PRF Prolactin releasing factor
BNP Brain Natriuretic Peptide
Pancreatic polypeptide
Progesterone PH
Prolactin PRL
Prostaglandins PG
Prostacyclin PGI2
Relaxina RLN
Serotonin 5-HT
Secretina SCT
Somatropin, GH or growth hormone
Somatocrinin GHRH
Somatomedin IGF
Somatostatin SRIF
LH Luteinizing hormone
T3 and T4 or thyroid hormones
Thyrotropin TSH
TRH Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
Thrombopoietin TPO
Thromboxanes TXA2


Epiphysis or pineal gland:

TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone)
GR-RH (Growth Hormone-Releasing Homone)
CRH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone releasing hormone)
GNRH (Gonadotrophin releasing hormone)

Somatropin (GH or Growth Hormone)
Prolactin (in lactating women)
TSH (thyrotropin or homone thyrotrope)
ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
LH (Luteating Hormone)

Thyroid hormones






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In addition to animal hormones there are also plant hormones in plants that circulate through the sap and that serve for the growth, flowering, ripening of fruits, germinations etc.
These may include auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene, etc.

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Several of the related hormones are described in other pages of this blog.


The information and medical opinions contained in this article are for informational purposes only and, under no circumstances, must and can not replace the advice of a physician or pharmacist; Any person who is affected by symptoms or suspected of having a hormonal or other disease, does not comply with this information, and should consult a doctor, pharmacist or health specialist to advise, diagnose Your condition and prescribe the medication or treatment you feel is appropriate.

4 de febrero de 2017

VITAMINS A-B1-B2-B3-B5-B6-B7-B9-B12-C-D-E-K: Functions and effects / VITAMINAS A-B1-B2-B3-B5-B6-B7-B9-B12-C-D-E-K : Funciones y efectos

Vitamins: functions and effects / Vitamine: Funktionen und Wirkung / 维生素:功能和效果 / Vitamines: fonctions et effets / विटामिन: कार्यों और प्रभाव / Vitamine: funzioni ed effetti / ビタミン:機能と効果 / Vitaminas: funções e efeitos / Витамины: функции и эффекты / الفيتامينات: وظائف والآثار

Vitamins are organic substances that exist in foods necessary for the balance of different vital functions and for growth and physical and mental development. Participate in many important biochemical reactions of the organism. They also act as antioxidant substances. Its deficiency (avitaminosis) causes pathologies, sometimes serious, such as weakness against infections, birth defects, anemia, rickets, scurvy, pellagra, etc.

Each vitamin has specific functions and effects for the body and health.
Vitamins often complement each other by enhancing their effects.
Vitamins, although "vitalize" and release energy, have no caloric value (not fat), but some of them can increase appetite.

Both the deficiency and the excess of a given vitamin can produce, respectively, deficiency pathologies or toxicity problems: toxicity usually occurs when taking vitamin supplements at doses higher than those indicated in the leaflets or when they are exceeded those prescribed by the doctor, but it is almost impossible to produce them by ingestion of the foods that contain them.

Vitamins whose excesses may be most toxic are A, D, E, K and B3

Therefore, the doses must be adjusted to the personal needs of each individual, which vary for reasons of age, sex, health status, pregnancy, lactation, type of diet, etc.
Always it is advisable to be informed about the functions, effects of each vitamin, diseases or deficiency states to which it is applied, and the advisable doses; It is best to stick to the advice of a doctor or pharmacist.

The best way to take the necessary vitamins is with a balanced diet composed of various foods containing dairy, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, olive oil, etc.  A good model could be the so-called "Mediterranean diet"

In Western countries, unlike the third world, food usually provides the basic vitamins (many commercial preparations incorporate them). Deficiencies or deficiency needs are limited to cases with assimilation difficulties or unbalanced or scarce diets: elderly, sick, vegetarians, anorexic, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc . In such cases the doses may be increased through a supplementary treatment prescribed by a physician.


The vitamins are classified as lipid-soluble (A, D, E and K) and water-soluble (complex B and C). lipid-soluble oils can be stored in the body. The water-soluble ones, however, are eliminated daily.

VITAMIN A (retinol)

Strengthens the immune system. 
Protects the mucous membranes (respiratory, digestive, urinary, etc.) against infections and contagion.
Is useful for sight, bones, teeth, skin and the genital system
Together with the vitamins D and C prevents and combats the cold and flu.
An overdose with supplements of this vitamin can cause dermatitis, bone abnormalities, joint pain, constipation, headache, nausea, vomiting and tiredness, so it is recommended, unless medical opinion, obtain provitamin A in the form of plant foods containing beta carotene

Food contains vitamin A: liver of pork and beef, pate, foie gras, carrots, tomato, red pepper, sweet potatoes, spinach, greens, cream, butter, clams, eels, conger, etc.

VITAMIN B1 (thiamine)

Helps the organic and cellular system to convert carbohydrates or sugars into body energy.
Power the nervous system and brain, helping the transmission of nerve impulses. Favors the action of the muscular system.
When insufficient intake of thiamine can be damaged psychic or neuronal damages as well as debilitation and fatigue and when there are prolonged deficiencies of the same usually appears a serious illness known as beriberi (mainly by a poor diet or by malabsorption of the foods, alcoholics can also be affected if they do not take supplements of this vitamin)

Foods contains vitamin B1: pork, ham, liver, kidneys, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, whole grains, whole wheat bread, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, beans, chickpeas , nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

VITAMIN B2 (riboflamine)

Aid in growth and body development.
Increases cellular energy function.
Stimulates the production of red blood cells.
Encourages the creation of antibodies.
Strengthens the functions of the nervous system (improves memory in older people, relieves migraines).
Favors eye health.
Maintains healthy skin and mucous membranes, etc.
In case of insufficiency of this vitamin can appear states of anemia, weakness, arthritis, depressions, mouth ulcers, problems of wound healing, dermatitis, eye irritation, etc.
Foods contains vitamin B2: red meat, fish, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, wheat germ, whole grains, etc.

VITAMIN B3 (niacin)

It participates in the production of cellular energy through the process of oxidation of foods that are ingested.
Influences growth and body development.
It contributes in the synthesis several hormones and neurotransmitters.
Helps to maintain the good state and functioning of the circulatory system (heart, arteries, veins, control of coresterol, etc).
Also contributes to vitalize the nervous system by improving mental illnesses such as dementia, psychosis, schizophrenia, depression, etc.
It also influences the treatment and improvement of digestive diseases, diabetes, alcoholism, dermatitis, acne and in the degenerative pathologies of aging (Alzheimer's, loss of memory, etc.)
When deficiencies of this vitamin can occur a serious disease denominated pellagra.
Overdose: Excessive and prolonged consumption with supplements of this vitamin usually causes hepatic diseases

Foods contains vitamin B3: red meat, especially liver and kidneys, ham, poultry, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, whole grains, brewer's yeast, nuts, almonds, bananas, asparagus, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, etc.

VITAMIN B5 (pantothenic acid)

Obtains energy from the food in favor of the cells of our body thus contributing to the development, growth and other specific tasks that these cells perform in different systems and organic (nervous, bone, muscular , Respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, hormonal, etc.); Influences the prolongation of life; Combats infections, inflammations, pains and allergies; Reduces stress; Aliva the evolution of certain type of diabetes; Contributes to good dermal health (acne, flaccidity and wrinkles on the skin) and to the healing of the lesions.
There is usually no vitamin B5 deficiency when there is normal eating and assimilation, although it can occur in certain critical situations where immune defenses are reduced (anorexia, aging, sarcopenia, famine, severe or chronic illness, pregnancy, lactation, alcoholism, Smoking, drug addiction, etc. In these cases the administration of supplements of this vitamin and the rest of group B usually remedy the deficiency)

Foods contains vitamin B5: Red meat, fish, salmon, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, eggs, honey, royal jelly, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, wheat germ, whole grains, brewer's yeast, legumes, chickpeas, potatoes, lentils, bananas, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, avocados, walnuts, almonds, etc.

VITAMIN B6 (pyridoxine)

Helps the organic and cellular system to convert food (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc.) into body energy.
Vitalizes and strengthens all systems and devices of the organism, increasing immune mechanisms to prevent and combat many pathologies.
Especially strengthens the nervous and hormonal systems (increases neurotransmitters, serotonin, etc).
Promotes muscular performance; Is useful for preventing or fighting kidney stones; Relieves insomnia and depressive states.
Overdose: Excessive and prolonged consumption with supplements of this vitamin can cause kidney problems

Foods contains vitamin B6: Red meat (livers), chicken, turkey, pork, beef, fish, salmon, tuna, cod, trout, eggs, honey, royal jelly, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, wheat germ, whole grains Beetroot, legumes, chickpeas, potatoes, peas, lentils, beans, asparagus, bananas, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, peppers, avocados, yams, walnuts, almonds,

VITAMIN B8 / H (biotin)

Stimulates energy production and cell growth.
Vitalizes the functions of the brain and nervous system (prevents or alleviates diseases such as depression, alzahimer, parkinson's, dementias, etc).
Promotes heart health and circulatory system and lowers bad cholesterol.
Is useful for anemia, weakness and tiredness.
Prevents or relieves diabetes.
Combats obesity and overweight (helps decrease body fat).
Is good for skin health (dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, irritations, etc.)

Foods contains vitamin B8: Red meats (liver); Salmon, brewer's yeast, eggs, wheat germ, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, onion, cauliflower, carrot, tomatoes, potatoes, oats, etc.

VITAMIN B9 / M (folic acid)

Aid to the formation and cellular increase of the organism; Influences the good evolution of the fetus duringthe pregnancy. 
Avoids or combats anemia and weight loss.
Prevents cardiac pathologies and circulatory system (heart attacks, stroke, hypercholesterolemia, etc).
Strengthens the functioning of the nervous system (prevents or alleviates pathologies such as alzahimer, psychosis, dementia, depression, as well as many other cognitive and psychiatric problems, ect).
Prevents or combats leukemia and other cancers.
Facilitates digestive functions.
Is beneficial to the health of the skin.
It is recommended to take supplements of this vitamin in situations or states that may lead to its deficiency (advanced age, pregnancy, sarcopenia, anorexia, alcoholism, smoking, etc.)

Foods with vitamin B9: Red meat (liver), beef, chicken, milk, cheese, eggs, beans, locust beans, chickpeas, peas, peas, cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, turnip, soybeans, sunflower seeds, germ Of wheat, etc.

VITAMIN B12 (cyanocobalamin)

It is considered an important vitamin within the B complex.
Promotes the production of red blood cells, thereby avoiding states of anemia. Strengthens the functioning of the brain and the nervous system so it avoids or relieves pathologies like alzahimer, psychosis, dementias, depressions, etc.
Prevents cardiac pathologies and circulatory system (heart attacks, stroke, hypercholesterolemia, etc).
Reduces the danger of danger of cancer. 
Periodic blood tests are recommended to verify the levels of this vitamin in situations or states that may lead to its deficiency - such as advanced age, pregnancy, lactation, anorexia, sarcopenia, alcoholism, smoking, etc. - and if necessary to take supplements to avoid such deficiencies.

Foods contains vitamin B12: Red meats (liver); Beef, chicken, milk, cheese, eggs, sardines, tuna, anchovies, herring, octopus, mussels, horse mackerel, salmon, sea bass, trout, mackerel, ham, crustaceans, seafood, etc.

VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin very important for the health and functioning of all appliances and systems of the human body: it prevents all kinds of diseases and helps in curing them.
Is a potent antioxidant.
It participates in the production, growth, development, conservation and repair of our cells, tissues, muscles, tendons, nerves, bones, endothelium, etc .
Favors the proper functioning of the circulatory system, avoiding heart attacks.
Is considered an important anticancer agent.
Strengthens the immune system: combats anemia.
Along with vitamins A and D, prevents and relieves colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and other respiratory system pathologies.
Relieves the consequences of smoking.
Their deficiency (usually on poor diet) can lead to a serious illness called pellagra

Foods with vitamin C: oranges, mandarins, lemons, grapefruit, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, chard, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, papaya, melon, watermelon, pineapple, etc.

VITAMIN D (cholecalciferol)

Promotes good condition and development of bones and teeth (combats rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis and prevents cavities), strengthens the immune system against the risk of cancer and other diseases
Along with vitamins A and C prevents and fights the flu and the flu. 
Exposure to the sun contributes to its formation through the skin (although it is not advisable to do more than 15/30 minutes  to avoid burns and skin cancer).
Excess dosages with this vitamin may harm the kidneys (kidney stones) and increase the chance of heart attacks.

Foods  with vitamin D: cod liver oil, cow liver, salmon, herring, tuna, sardines, eels, oysters, ham, sausages, eggs, cheese, milk, butter, soy, mushrooms, etc.

VITAMIN E (tocopherol)

Contributes to the formation of body tissues, such as the nervous, muscular and cellular (neurons, red blood cells, sperm, eggs, etc)
Increases fertility
Has antioxidant properties and avoids or combats anemia
Helps the liver function properly (reduces the risk of cirrhosis or cancer in this organ)
Favors the good state of the eyes and the skin and delays the aging process as well as the risk of bone fractures and cognitive impairment associated with this senile process.
Overdose: If consumed in supplements with excessive doses can accumulate in the tissues and cause toxic effects, such as increased levels of blood clotting, increased risk of prostate cancer. It can also produce nausea and abdominal pain.

Foods with vitamin E: olive oil, almonds, walnuts, milk, butter, margarine, cheese, chocolate, meat (especially liver), ham, eggs, fatty heavy, crustaceans, legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.

VITAMIN K (naphthoquinone)

Is essential for correct blood clotting
Its deficiency can lead to hemorrhages (bleeding in the urine, feces, nose, bruises, increased menstrual flow, etc.)
Increases or consolidates bone density, preventing fractures in advanced ages
Also favors good irrigation and skin care
Its lack in preterm infants implies the risk of serious specific bleeding.
Overdose: Excessive consumption of this vitamin may interfere with coagulation leading to conditions of anemia; In newborns can cause, in addition to anemia, liver problems (jaundice)

Foods with vitamin K: meat (especially liver), ham, fish, eggs, cereals, wheat germ, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, parsley, turnips, asparagus, carrots, banana, kiwi, strawberries, Blueberries, olive oil, etc.

The information and medical opinions contained in this article are for informational purposes only and, in no case, must and can not replace the advice of a physician or pharmacist; Any person who is affected by symptoms or suspected of suffering from a vitamin deficiency or other disease, does not comply with this information, and should consult a doctor, pharmacist or health specialist to advise, Diagnose your condition and prescribe the medication or treatment you feel is appropriate


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